128x64 1.3 inch OLED Grafik Screen 6 Pin IS-SPI I can't find your screen's library

Hello, I can't find the library of the 128x64 1.3 inch OLED Graphic Screen 6 Pin IS-SPI screen I mentioned. There are many options in u8glib, which one is compatible with this screen, can you help me?

Post a link to the specs of your display.

Manufacturer China
Product Category Oled Lcd Display
Screen 3.3cm (1.3 inch)
Resolution 128x64
Pin Control with 6 pins
Operating voltage 3V – 5V
Width 35,8mm
Length 33,8mm
Height including header 11mm
Height without header 2.9mm
Protocol SPI - İ2C

I don't know of any other feature like this.

The feature you need to know to configure U8G2 library is missing. You need to know the type of driver chip. It is very poor of the seller not to include this information.

The chip is probably SH1106 or SH1306. Will have to make guesses until the display works.

I'll try to get some results from chatgpt. The fact that it is spi increases the chances of it being sh1106. I would be very happy if you could research it.

Or you could toss a coin. It would be quicker and the chance of success will be about the same.

But my advice would be to try the different configurations until you find one that works. There are only a few to try. You know that it is 128x64. You know that it is SPI. You know that it is probably either SH1106 or SH1306. That will reduce the possible configurations greatly.

I imagine you would. If you want to offer payment for someone to do the work for you, I can move the topic to an appropriate form section. But pay only half the amount you agree until you have working code.

No thank you, there is no need to pay for it. I will do it by trial and error now. There is no other choice. Thank you for this offer. But there is no need.

D0 and D1 pins are SDA (Serial Data) and SCK (Serial Clock) pins used for OLED display with SSD1306 controller to work with SPI protocol instead of I2C (Wire) protocol.

If you want to use your screen with SPI protocol, you can connect using D0 (SDA) and D1 (SCK) pins. In this case, the links will be as follows:

  • The VCC pin of the screen must be connected to the 5V pin of the Arduino.
  • The GND pin of the screen must be connected to the GND pin of the Arduino.
  • The D0 (SDA) pin of the display must be connected to the D11 (MOSI) pin of the Arduino.
  • The D1 (SCK) pin of the screen must be connected to the D13 (SCK) pin of the Arduino.
  • The RST (Reset) pin of the display must be connected to a digital pin of the Arduino (for example, it can be connected to pin 10).
  • The D/C (Data/Command) pin of the display must be connected to a digital pin of the Arduino (for example, it can be connected to pin 9).
  • The CS (Chip Select) pin of the display will not be used (for example, it can be set to -1).

By making connections in this way, you can use your 6-pin OLED display working with SPI protocol with Arduino. I have shared the code sample before, you can use it with these links.
Now I know that you are using the SSD1306 library. This is very good. Artificial intelligence now helps in everything.

I guess I'll need a little more help.

Which library to use?

SSD1306.I think when I search a little more, it turns out that this library is because D0 and D1 pins are written on the screen pin instead of MOSI or SCK. When we ask artificial intelligence, it turns out that it is used in the SSD1306 library.

Share the code you have tried and describe the results.

Please read the forum guide in the sticky post at the top of the forum section first, so that you understand how to post code correctly on the forum.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64

#define OLED_DC     9
#define OLED_RST    10
#define OLED_CS     -1  // CS pini kullanılmayacak


void setup() {
  display.setCursor(0, 0);

void loop() {

  display.println("Merhaba Dünya!");

  display.drawCircle(64, 32, 10, WHITE);


this code but when i install it still doesn't work

How did you determine you have an SDD1306 driver?

"SSD1306.I think when I search a little more, it turns out that this library is because D0 and D1 pins are written on the screen pin instead of MOSI or SCK. When we ask artificial intelligence, it turns out that it is used in the SSD1306 library."

What all have you tried at this point?

Can you post a pic of your hardware so we can see what you are working with, ie solderless breadboard, soldered perf board, wires being used?

Have you put in some debug serial prints to see what the code is doing?

Have you tried a different library?

Shall we not continue today, let's discuss this again tomorrow.


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