[2.1.0] no longer disables monitor during upload (update)

I an testing some software after not sing the IDE for a few days. I now get the error message:

"avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM9": Access is denied."

when I try to upload and the monitor is "open". I could have sworn V2.1.0 had a feature to disable the monitor automatically for upload. Was I dreaming?

I had been using a SAMD21 "M0" board and now I'm using a pro mini with an FTDI Programmer.

The disable works with the SAMD21 but not the Pro mini

Win 11
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 2023-04-19T15:31:10.185Z
CLI Version: 0.32.2

There is a known issue with baords using the FTDI chip in combination with IDE 2.1 (actually I think 2.x); I think that this is the relevant bug report: "Access is denied" error when uploading to board w/ FT232 USB chip with Serial Monitor/Plotter open · Issue #1783 · arduino/arduino-ide · GitHub.

If not mistaken, there are also various topics on the forum about it


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