I think QH is a reference to the decimal point being the "H"th LED segment (segments A through G being the LEDs that form the LED number) when connected to a 74HC595 (shift register), each leg connected to LED segments being "Q#".
SCLK = Serial Clock = SCK = SCL
ACLK = ?
RCLK = Latch pin of 74HC595
Chinese sellers often incorrectly call these displays "4 bit" but this is incorrect English translation. They are "4 digit" displays.
Calling them "4 bit" is confusing for beginners because in electronics/software, a "bit" is a binary digit, which can only be 0 or 1. These displays can display many more values including 2 to 9, and other symbols like "A", "F" and similar.
It's a good plan. Another advantage, the TM1637 display doesn't need any processor intervention in between updates. The shift register based ones keep the MCU busy with refresh constantly. Some other hardware will not tolerate that.