Hello everybody, I just don't get this. I wanted to verify that my TDS sensor was in fact receiving 5V. So. I connected PIN 5V of my ESP32 and ran the following program. Why does it say 20V on the serial monitor? Thank you.
int SensorValue =0;
#define VoltageSensorPin 34
void setup() {
pinMode(34, INPUT);
void loop() {
SensorValue = analogRead(VoltageSensorPin);
float voltage = SensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
The aboving scaling is completely wrong for the ESP32, which (by the way) has a lousy, nonlinear ADC , not really suitable for use with your TDS meter.
Try something like this, depending on what you have set for the analog reference (default 3.3V, I think):
float voltage = SensorValue * (3.3 / 4096.0);
DO NOT expose any I/O pins to 5V! Use a 2:1 voltage divider to measure 5V (2 10K resistors in series). You may already have trashed the ADC input.
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oh crap I hope not. ok thank you.
March 29, 2024, 11:10pm
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