I'm really hoping there is a way that I can do this using my Arduino. I have been looking for a way to use my keyboard and mouse to work on various computers here in my home office. Like a KVM but only the keyboard and mouse.
I already have a solution for my monitors so no worries there.
Here's the deal. I'm a tester for a software company so I have about 20 or so computers ranging from Dell and HP boxes down to Raspberry PIs 2,3 and 4.
Yes, I know about Synergy and I do use them on a couple of my Windows systems BUT it is a royal pain in the you know what to traverse 20 children just to be able to use the one keyboard and mouse. Like I said I have the monitor switching working great.
While researching my idea I came across this project on Youtube. I took a screen shot of the gist.
Basically, the guy in the video just switches the DPDT switch to the computer he wants to work on and it works.
I would like the ability to select a button and wham Bam it starts working on the computer rather than having 20 keyboards & mice or traversing a huge Synergy mapping.
I would greatly appreciate ideas, suggestions and leads to research & hopefully accomplish what I need.
It's an interesting idea that I hadn't thought of. I can't think of any reason that you couldn't switch the two data lines from the USB to the computers. Of course, you have to wait for the computer to recognize the new USB devices. A couple of these MUX breakout boards could be switched from an Arduino.
I use VNC server to connect to my various computers.
Yea I knew that about the signaling. I tried the VNC route and I had more failures plus a I'm trying to keep the installed apps to a minimum since a lot of these are single board computers. Since my network is a closed environment I have established dedicated SSH connections with my main computer.
I've never worked with a MUX board in a diy project, but I'm game for it. I'll hit YouTube with this new criterea and see if I can't find an easy way to implement it.
I'm getting Back surgery today so I am on a 6 week disability stint from my day job. So I'm looking for projects to work on as I now I will get bored out of my mind with nothing to do.
ubotbuddy: @SteveMann
I'm getting Back surgery today so I am on a 6 week disability stint from my day job. So I'm looking for projects to work on as I now I will get bored out of my mind with nothing to do.
I did that last January.
First, I am glad I did it. I am more mobile than I had been for a few years, but the pain was no longer responding to therapy and drugs. Today I am working on a room remodel completely pain free.
If you had more time before the surgery, I would recommend fasting for two days prior to the surgery. You'll see why tomorrow.
Good luck
On the project, SSH works fine for most of my hardware, except for Windows. I am really getting completely soured with Windows, especially how it "manages" network connections for me, and will likely start using Ubuntu as my primary desktop soon. But I will keep a Windows PC online for Photoshop and Video editing work.