A system for storeing button press pattern, then running code based on patterns

I have three buttons and I want to have different patterns that I can enter to get different results. For example, if I hit the button one twice, then hit bottom two it would flash a light, but if I hit button one three times then hit button three once it would do something else. I also cannot use the delays because it will mess up my other code.

I thought about using an array to store the sequence, but that is where it got over my head.

Thanks in advance

State machine

How do you have your buttons wired up? and how many of them?

Hi, you could imagine your buttons are 1, 2 & 3 on a keypad. Each time a button is pressed, multiply the previous result by 10 and add the new value. Each sequence then becomes a unique number like 1132 or 1113. You can then use a case/switch in your code to perform the actions for each value.


Hi, you could imagine your buttons are 1, 2 & 3 on a keypad. Each time a button is pressed, multiply the previous result by 10 and add the new value. Each sequence then becomes a unique number like 1132 or 1113. You can then use a case/switch in your code to perform the actions for each value.

That sounds like a good idea but I don't see how it could give the numbers you have listed.
1032 would represent 3 presses of 1, 2 presses of 3 and 1 press of 2.

However it would not record the order of presses and an array would be needed for that with an auto-increasing index so that each successive button press was saved into the next location. Something very roughly like

for (byte n = 1; n < numKeys; n ++) {
  buttonVal = digitalRead(buttonPins[n]);
  if (buttonVal == HIGH) {
     buttonArray[index] = n;
 index ++;

By the way, this snippet only stores a single keypress and will need to be repeated as necessary. It also assumes only 1 key is pressed at any one time.


I can see how PaulRB's suggestion would work.

Four presses in any sequence, one at a time. The method suggested would produce a 4-digit code that represents both the order of presses and the button number. Additionally, the code could be cleared if the time elapsed since last press > x seconds. Only one variable is required to store the code.

[glow=teal,2,300]Sequence Example[/glow]                     [glow=teal,2,300]Code[/glow]                             
Button1, Button1, Button3, Button2   1132
Button1, Button1, Button1, Button3   1113