about GY80

hi guys,

I would like to ask a favor if you have any best step by step tutorial (links,videos or pdf) for this GY 80,
recently I found it nice and thought I could apply it to my project, but I found a datasheet, but reading that is like reading chinese or anything,

please guys if you have any, or if you know how do I use it, I could use some help,
(I'm struggling on the registers part)

Why not post a link to the product page and a PDF datasheet?

The second hit on a Google search for GY80: data sheets and code .

Right, would have been useful for the OP to put that link in the first post given that they’re the one asking for free help. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of information about the devices on this module nor tutorials about how to use them.

As stated, the product page contains hookup instructions, links to the device datasheets, and links to tutorials (with code) for all the devices. Additionally, both Adafruit and SparkFun have tutorials on the Accelerometer and Gyro devices:


All of that should certainly be enough to get started.

hi thanks for the reply,

I know a little bit about the code I'm just struggling at the registers part, the tutorials I've seen has different registers which I don't know whom to believe, sorry I should ask about this registers "specifically"

but the links where helpful thanks

I don't know whom to believe

Believe the data sheets for the individual devices. They are accurate and informative.


there are many registers in the datasheets.
May I ask which one should I use?

there are many registers in the datasheets.
May I ask which one should I use?

The ones necessary to make the device do what you want (which you haven't specified).

Have you tried the sample code from the tutorials? Does it do what you want? If not, how does it differ from what you want?

thank you for the reply,

basically I would like this datas (that i am looking for) to be used by my processing sketch, guess you know what I'm up to, So basially i want to make my processing based EFIS software

but my problems are I don't know if what are the units (is it angle degrees) of the codes that I am looking at the tutorials. I'm ready at the processing code but just don't know what datas am i looking at so that I could convert it to something that the processing sketch could use.

so overall, I wanna ask if what registers (of these sensors) I could use for reading these datas?

datas are produced by these sensors(accelerometer, gyro, barometer, magnetometer)? are these angle degree is it mass or anyhting?

sorry for the trouble guys,
thank you.

Looking at the datasheets, it's obvious that these are complex devices. So, unless someone comes forward with the code to do exactly what you want, you're just going to have to slog through the available tutorials, the source code for the libraries, and the datasheets. All the information is there. Although, admittedly, some datasheets are written more clearly than others. When in doubt, write a short test program and try it.

I'd start with the Accelerometer and Gyro tutorials at Adafruit. Their tutorials are usually pretty good and provide relevant libraries. Plus, they have forums where actual Adafruit engineers will try to help you out.

As an example of finding the information you need, consider the "Specifications" table in the ADXL345 datasheet. Looking at "Scale Factor", there's the answer to your question about units:

The returned value is always a 16-bit, two's complement, integer. But, the resolution depends on the device mode selected (could be 10,11,12, or 13 bits. All sign-extended to 16 bits). For example, in the +/-2g 10 bit mode, the device maps an acceleration between -2g and +2g into the integer range -512 to +511.

My advice is to start simple and implement each feature one at a time, completely debugging your code along the way. Continue to add features and carefully integrate them into a complete application.