Acquiring data from python to arduino IDE

I have an eeg kit and a built in visualizer code was present, so we used it. We have an esp-wroom-32 and have to upload a code though arduino IDE. What we want to do is to take all the data points which the python code is receiving and depending on the value to control a function(ex: High amplitude: LED On).
The issue is that we arent able to get the data points to arduino IDE. Could you recommned some ways of communication between the IDE and Python code.
Also they use the same port for communication

Link for visualizer:EXG-Synapse/visualizer/ at main · Neuphony/EXG-Synapse · GitHub

Arduino code:

#include <synapse.h>
// #include "../synapse.h"

const int sensorPin = A0; // Analog input pin
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // Variable to store the last time a sample was taken
unsigned long interval = 4; // Interval between samples in milliseconds (1000 ms / 250 samples). Change as per requirement

synapse exg_synapse;

void setup(){

void loop(){ 
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // Get the current time in milliseconds
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis; // Save the current time as the last time a sample was taken
    float sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the sensor value
    float filters_out = exg_synapse.apply_EEG_filters(sensorValue); // generate output after applying filters

Do tell me if any other info is needed

Only one application can have the serial port open at a time. So you can either send the data from the Arduino to the serial monitor / plotter or to your python visualiser. Same for uploads; the serial monitor / plotter are under control of the IDE and the port will be closed before the upload, you will have to that yourself for the visualiser.

Not sure if that answers your question.

Yeah I realised that so I was considering using something like com0com to create a com port pair. Would that be a valid choice?

If the visualiser does what its name says, why do you need serial monitor / plotter in the IDE?

I have no experience with com0com so can't advise.

Modify the python code to add those functions.

It is completely unclear how your project is configured. What does the ESP32 do?

What is the "eeg kit" and to what is it connected?

What is the Arduino IDE supposed to do?

Extremeley sorry for being unclear.
The ESP32 is required to transmit the data from the electrodes to the laptop as it has an ADC converter(as stated on the website)
The eeg kit has electrodes and is connected to an EXG synapse, this synapse is connected to the esp32.
The IDE is used to upload a code onto the ESP32 to properly read the values.

I dont exactly require a serial monitor/plotter, I just need it to do some basic functions based on the values. Something like:
Read serial monitor
If val>30

Thanks for this great idea, I dont know how i never realised I could do it(probably cause I am still a beginner who is still learning lots of stuff)
Btw shd I use micropython and should i be using Thonny IDE for this project? If yes, it would be extremely helpful if you could provide alternate platforms, as previously there were a couple of issues with the Thonny IDE.
Thanks in advance

Other info can be found over here:EXG-Synapse/ at main · Neuphony/EXG-Synapse · GitHub

I think this is the confusion. The IDE is the program where you write your code on the computer. It can't analyze any data or write to any pins. It just compiles code that gets loaded onto your Arduino. All the signal processing has to happen on the Arduino in the code that is running there.

Thanks for posting the link to the Github site.

I now see that the Arduino code is intended only to read the ADC and print data on the serial port, which is usually connected to the Arduino IDE serial monitor, or to a Bluetooth module that could be connected to anything.

The "visualizer" is a separate package intended for the PC, which reads that serial data stream.

You could add functions to the ESP32 Arduino code to monitor ADC values and set ESP32 digital outputs, or do anything else you like, like displaying data on a TFT screen connected to the ESP32.

Thanks a lot for your response, it clears things up. This really does help me, sillly understanding error on my part :sweat_smile: