Adafruit GFX making font library smaller

i am using custom Fonts from Adafruit GFX librarys and to be specific, this one : tft.setFont(&FreeSansBold24pt7b);

From this font libary i only need numbers from 0 to 9 and i was wondering if i can just "delete" the bitmaps and glyphs for other characters to make the include library smaller in size?

I tried deleting all the unusable glyphs from the "const GFXglyph FreeSansBold24pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM", but then the compiler fails bcs i ASSUME that i also have to delete those entries from "const uint8_t FreeSansBold24pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {", but the entries in this function are not labeled, so i do not know which one to delete.
is there a program or something that lets you only take the characters you need from a font and make them into library?

Thanks in advance.

is there a program or something that lets you only take the characters you need from a font and make them into library?
