Add a display to analogue guitar pedals

Hello friends,

I have 2 analogue guitar pedals that I would like to move in one enclosure, adding some feature on the boards, one of the mods I would like to do is to add a tft display to read the value of the potentiometer with a progress bar.

NOTE: I dont want to control the effect through the arduino board, only having a grafic interface of the pot status with a progress bar.

I'll replace the potentiometer that currently are on the effects with potentiomenters which has double trace , so one goes back on the board to control the effect and another one to the arduino:

  1. here I need your support since I'm just new in programming the sketchs:
  2. there is already some that is at least close for what I need and easy to adapt for my scope?
  3. Is the project I've created at the link above correct or it needs mod?
  4. would the double trace on the potentiometer cause noise on the output pedal?

thank you for whoever want to help me :slight_smile:

I have two analog meters, do you have any idea of what I have? Same for your pedals. Post a link to them that gives technical information.

Take it one step at a time. Work on the display, reading the pot, and converting the pot to a useful value all separately before trying to put everything together.

The display is probably the most difficult part and the details will depend on the particular display. They are not standardized so it's not like plugging a monitor into a computer.

The Analog Read Serial Example shows you how to read a pot.

You might need the map() function to convert the ADC range to percentage, or whatever range you need.

No... BUT, digital electronics tend to generate lots of noise, and as you probably already know, high impedance guitar signal tends to be sensitive to noise pick-up. (Once the signal is "buffered" through an active pedal the impedance is lowered and it's less noise-sensitive, but the input can still be an issue... And noise is often an issue with any audio circuitry...)

AND.... "volume pots" are audio tapered (non-linear). You'll need to check your existing pot by turning it to the center and measuring the resistance. If it is audio taper, both pots in your dual/stereo pot will be non-linear and you'll have to deal with that in your code.

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gil the meaining I've been generic on this is due the fact that aside what the pedal is, I dont want control it, but want the pots value on the screen, so lets say this should not impact the pedal with his pots controls which they will continue to do their job, but to have a second function on the pots that send the value to the display :wink:

thank you Doug, before starting the project I was actually wondering i this was something possible.

how to use the analogue read is slowly becoming clear as there are many exaples to refer, I guess the difficult part here is to create the graphic interface to display the pots values as I want.

about the the pots, you are right, the pots are probably non linear, but of course I'll double check first.