Adding WiFi with ESP8266

Hello. I am working on a project, trying to communicate between an Arduino 101 and an ESP8266 (ESP-12) running ESP-Link. The code I am using runs but it does not want to synchronize with the ESP. If I run the same code in a Uno with the same connections, it works flawlessly. So I have been wondering what may be wrong??? Could it be a voltage incompatibility? Library incompatibility? Any ideas?

Here is the code I am using:

Certainly not enough info to make a guess right now

Where did you get the libraries ?
Are the libs AVR specific ?
Do you have the full schematic for what you have hooked up to the board and how ?

BTW when posting code please do it using code tags ( </> ).
It is a lot easier for all to see in here and quite often a quick fix can be spotted and made.

The code and libraries are part of the examples provided with ESP-Link.

Here's the code. The only thing that changes is the URL and API stuff. As said, it works in Arduino Uno. I dont know the details of the libraries, but it communicates through serial...

* \file
* ESP8266 RESTful example
* \author
* BeeGee

#include <ELClient.h>
#include <ELClientRest.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // RX, TX

// For ARDUINO UNO WIFI with I2C to serial chip!
// Serial port to ESP8266
// #include <SC16IS750.h>
// SC16IS750 i2cuart = SC16IS750(SC16IS750_PROTOCOL_I2C,SC16IS750_ADDRESS_AA);

// Initialize a connection to esp-link using the I2Cuart chip of the Arduino Uno WiFi board for
// SLIP messages.
// ELClient esp(&i2cuart);

// For boards using the hardware serial port!
// Initialize a connection to esp-link using the normal hardware serial port both for
// SLIP and for debug messages.
//ELClient esp(&Serial, &Serial);
ELClient esp(&mySerial, &mySerial);

// Initialize a REST client on the connection to esp-link
ELClientRest rest(&esp);

boolean wifiConnected = false;

// Callback made from esp-link to notify of wifi status changes
// Here we print something out and set a global flag
void wifiCb(void *response) {
ELClientResponse *res = (ELClientResponse*)response;
if (res->argc() == 1) {
uint8_t status;
res->popArg(&status, 1);

if(status == STATION_GOT_IP) {
Serial.println("WIFI CONNECTED");
wifiConnected = true;
} else {
Serial.print("WIFI NOT READY: ");
wifiConnected = false;

void setup() {
// For ARDUINO UNO WIFI with I2C to serial chip!
// i2cuart.begin(9600);

Serial.println("EL-Client starting!");

// Sync-up with esp-link, this is required at the start of any sketch and initializes the
// callbacks to the wifi status change callback. The callback gets called with the initial
// status right after Sync() below completes.
esp.wifiCb.attach(wifiCb); // wifi status change callback, optional (delete if not desired)
bool ok;
do {
ok = esp.Sync(); // sync up with esp-link, blocks for up to 2 seconds
if (!ok) {
Serial.print("\nEL-Client sync failed! err: ");
} while(!ok);
Serial.println("EL-Client synced!");

// Wait for WiFi to be connected. 
ELClientPacket *packet;
Serial.println("Waiting for WiFi ");
if ((packet=esp.WaitReturn()) != NULL) {

// Set up the REST client to talk to, this doesn't connect to that server,
// it just sets-up stuff on the esp-link side
int err = rest.begin("");
if (err != 0) {
Serial.print("REST begin failed: ");
while(1) ;
Serial.println("EL-REST ready");

float solarValue = 99.5;
// Change to your own API key
char *api_key = "myapikey";
// expand buffer size to your needs
#define BUFLEN 266

void loop() {
// process any callbacks coming from esp_link

// if we're connected make an REST request
if(wifiConnected) {

// Generate a fake value starting from 100 going up to 300
solarValue = solarValue + 0.5;
if (solarValue == 300) {
solarValue = 100;
String solarValString = String(solarValue);
const char *solarValChar = solarValString.c_str();

// Reserve a buffer for sending the data
char path_data[BUFLEN];
// Copy the path and API key into the buffer
sprintf(path_data, "%s", "/?token=");
sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%s", api_key);

// Copy the field number and value into the buffer
// If you have more than one field to update,
// repeat and change field1 to field2, field3, ...

sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%s", "&time=");
   sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%d", millis());

// Send PUT request to,""); 

// Reserve a buffer for the response from Thingspeak
char response[BUFLEN];
// Clear the buffer
memset(response, 0, BUFLEN);
// Wait for response from Thingspeak
uint16_t code = rest.waitResponse(response, BUFLEN-1);
// Check the response from Thingspeak
if(code == HTTP_STATUS_OK){
Serial.println("Thingspeak: POST successful:");
Serial.print("Response: ");
} else {
Serial.print("Thingspeak: POST failed with error ");
Serial.print("Response: ");
// Send next data in 2 seconds

I noticed yesterday that the code above was wrong but the forum didnt let me post again... Here is the correct code:

 * \file
 *			 ESP8266 RESTful example
 * \author
 *			 BeeGee

#include <ELClient.h>
#include <ELClientRest.h>

// For ARDUINO UNO WIFI with I2C to serial chip!
// Serial port to ESP8266
// #include <SC16IS750.h>
// SC16IS750 i2cuart = SC16IS750(SC16IS750_PROTOCOL_I2C,SC16IS750_ADDRESS_AA);

// Initialize a connection to esp-link using the I2Cuart chip of the Arduino Uno WiFi board for
// SLIP messages.
// ELClient esp(&i2cuart);

// For boards using the hardware serial port!
// Initialize a connection to esp-link using the normal hardware serial port both for
// SLIP and for debug messages.
ELClient esp(&Serial, &Serial);

// Initialize a REST client on the connection to esp-link
ELClientRest rest(&esp);

boolean wifiConnected = false;

// Callback made from esp-link to notify of wifi status changes
// Here we print something out and set a global flag
void wifiCb(void *response) {
	ELClientResponse *res = (ELClientResponse*)response;
	if (res->argc() == 1) {
		uint8_t status;
		res->popArg(&status, 1);

		if(status == STATION_GOT_IP) {
			Serial.println("WIFI CONNECTED");
			wifiConnected = true;
		} else {
			Serial.print("WIFI NOT READY: ");
			wifiConnected = false;

void setup() {
// For ARDUINO UNO WIFI with I2C to serial chip!
	// i2cuart.begin(9600);
	Serial.println("EL-Client starting!");

	// Sync-up with esp-link, this is required at the start of any sketch and initializes the
	// callbacks to the wifi status change callback. The callback gets called with the initial
	// status right after Sync() below completes.
	esp.wifiCb.attach(wifiCb); // wifi status change callback, optional (delete if not desired)
	bool ok;
	do {
		ok = esp.Sync();			// sync up with esp-link, blocks for up to 2 seconds
		if (!ok) {
			Serial.print("\nEL-Client sync failed! err: ");
	} while(!ok);
	Serial.println("EL-Client synced!");

	// Wait for WiFi to be connected. 
	ELClientPacket *packet;
	Serial.println("Waiting for WiFi ");
	if ((packet=esp.WaitReturn()) != NULL) {

	// Set up the REST client to talk to, this doesn't connect to that server,
	// it just sets-up stuff on the esp-link side
	int err = rest.begin("");
	if (err != 0) {
		Serial.print("REST begin failed: ");
		while(1) ;
	Serial.println("EL-REST ready");

float solarValue = 99.5;
// Change to your own API key
char *api_key = "eaaeebace112754929d81074576e9e1b";
// expand buffer size to your needs
#define BUFLEN 266

void loop() {
	// process any callbacks coming from esp_link

	// if we're connected make an REST request
	if(wifiConnected) {
		// Generate a fake value starting from 100 going up to 300
		solarValue = solarValue + 0.5;
		if (solarValue == 300) {
			solarValue = 100;
		String solarValString = String(solarValue);
		const char *solarValChar = solarValString.c_str();
		// Reserve a buffer for sending the data
		char path_data[BUFLEN];
		// Copy the path and API key into the buffer
		sprintf(path_data, "%s", "/?token=");
		sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%s", api_key);
		// Copy the field number and value into the buffer
		// If you have more than one field to update,
		// repeat and change field1 to field2, field3, ...

		sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%s", "&time=");
    sprintf(path_data + strlen(path_data), "%d", millis());
		// Send PUT request to,"");	

		// Reserve a buffer for the response from Thingspeak
		char response[BUFLEN];
		// Clear the buffer
		memset(response, 0, BUFLEN);
		// Wait for response from Thingspeak
		uint16_t code = rest.waitResponse(response, BUFLEN-1);
		// Check the response from Thingspeak
		if(code == HTTP_STATUS_OK){
			Serial.println("Thingspeak: POST successful:");
			Serial.print("Response: ");
		} else {
			Serial.print("Thingspeak: POST failed with error ");
			Serial.print("Response: ");
		// Send next data in 2 seconds