Advice for SPI Level Shifter - Mega to AS5050

Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations between these 2 for SPI ...

Specs for the Encoder are here if needed.....


The price is the same 1$ per channel.
The 4 pins version (according to the site) works for I2C while the 8 pins version has some problems.

I would go for 2x 4 pins (maybe even more than 2)

thanks, keep it simple then :smiley:

one more thing... in the Spec for the Encoder, it specifies pin 11 as VDDp... "Peripheral Power supply". This is my first venture into circuits this complicated (well complicated for me anyway..) and i dont understand what this means. Is this an output to supply other slaved devices or an input to run the SPI controller on the AS5050. If its a required supply, can i just run it off the LV pin from the BSS138?

thanks again for your help

indeed VDDp is a power supply for slave devices
VSS is the ground
both need to be connected to the slave device.

it is not directly clear how much current the slave may use,