Advice on Teaching Arduino and Arduino Powered Robotics

G'day Arduino Forum,

I have been volunteering at a local school for the past few months now teaching on the topic of 'Arduino and Robotics'. Every Friday the students willingly give up their own lunchtime (about 40mins) to come into the class and learn all about the Arduino world and how we can use it to create our own robots.

In doing so I have learnt a lot about what goes into teaching in such an educational environment, having only been a student at that same school a year ago, I have a lot of respect to those who teach full time. Sometimes it was tough, sometimes it was annoying, but in the end we all have fun and accomplish our goals that we set every week.

Apart from teaching in real life, I also teach on YouTube. Having been brought into the Arduino world just over a year ago, I'm still very new into this whole thing. After a few videos of my creations were uploaded to YouTube several people started asking for tutorials, I did so creating the Arduino Tutorials. Later I expanded my content, that included vlogs. In one vlog I talked about my teaching efforts and even showed footage of the lessons.

Since then I have had dozens of requests to share my experiences teaching. Questions included; "What course outline did I follow?" "What do you teach them with?" "How do I get started?". To answer all of these questions in a single blow I made a video (approx. 19 minutes long) detailing my experience, my material and my advice to those who wish to do the same.

If you are wanting to teach, whether it be at a school, at a hackerspace or even your own personal venue, I hope this video helps you in some form or another.