Hey, a noob question here:
In the last few days, I started to mount a wireless simple robot with an ESP8266 ESP01 module using a USB CH340G adapter. However, I had some issues during the process of mount and the USB adapter has a bad contact problem.
All USB connectors are getting old, some day or the other. I have scrapped a few cables and replaced them with new cables when the connector is worn out.
Yep, avoid the ESP-01.
A WeMos D1 mini is not much bigger or more expensive, has more flash, OTA programming, more I/O, and can be powered and programmed directly through USB.
for programming/testing the ESP-01 I use a ESP-01 Helper V3 (ESP8266/ESP32 programmer/development board)
just plug in the ESP-01, select Tools>Board generic ESP8266 module, click the uploaad button to program, upload and run
no changing switch positions, removing device to run, etc etc
Well... here's a short story
When I passed the code from IDE for the first time, the adapter and ESP01 works normally, using the tip of connect at the same time the GPIO-0 and GND with a piece of a resistor wire
However, when I started the robot, the ESP01 shows a generic Wi-fi network on my phone, but I couldn't identify the local web page (proposed by the tutorial).
So I decided to try again and send the code, but the ESP01 module doesn't blink, even if it's with the ports joined (for write mode) or not. I tried to solder with a Push Button or a KCD11-101 switch, but still not working. I reinstalled the driver and switch computers and presents the same thing.
Even if the module is turned on with a USB CH340 (without edit or write mode), it doesn't work.
Maybe there's a trace on the secondary side of the ESP-01?
It's sitting right on top of that electrolytic capacitor on the programmer.
Perhaps a bit of insulation - a couple layers of tape atop the capacitor.
I tried to isolate it here (following your idea) but it still not working.
About the capacitor, I think that's normal (at least for my adapter) because the ESP01 isn't touching directly on it.
Here's a picture of the USB with ESP01, on the tutorial's content that I've followed.