am i missing something ??

hello guys ,

I'm trying make a project that can read the temp (TEMP 36) and display it on LCD.

the code works , the wiring is good , but i get get random letters on LCD.
where is my mistake?

LiquidCrystal lcd(7,6,5,4,3,2);

#define sensor A0

byte degree[8] = 

void setup()
  lcd.createChar(1, degree);
  lcd.print("    Digital    ");
  lcd.print("  Thermometer   ");
  lcd.print(" Circuit Digest  ");

void loop()
     float reading=analogRead(sensor);
     float temperature=reading*(5.0/1023.0)*100;
  /*------Display Result------*/


Hello World.

Just adding the picture for other people:

Just guessing. Try to display something more trivial, e.g. without the value. HW problem? Damaged display? Problem with wiring? Try to display complete character set.

Yes, you are missing several items.

  1. You are missing the wiring diagram see we can understand the program
  2. You are missing the list what hardware you are using and where you got it from
  3. You missing the tests using the example sketches that are known to work for the LCD

All of which are covered in the How To Use this Forum post on the main page.

Great title for a post! I did not even have to look at your post to know that the answer is yes, many things.

See the "How to use this forum" post for hints on, yes, how to use this forum.

LiquidCrystal lcd(7,6,5,4,3,2);

This does not match the wiring in the photo, it's backwards and there is a gap between the data bits and rs & enable in the actual wiring.

A reminder: the parameters are (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7).