Ambient light sensor

Hi everyone,

I am researching digikey for components which will allow me to detect ambient light. I want to be able to turn on a front light on my LCD panel when it becomes dark out. This is for a wearable project. I would have the sensor on the PCB behind the panel.

Should I go with:

  • an IC (SPI, I2C interface)
  • photo diode
  • photo transistor

My two biggest requirements are small space and power consumption. In addition, I also care about the accuracy but not as much.



Light dependent resistor?

I need something surface amount @groundFungus

LDR draw too much current. I need the sensor to draw uAs.

An LDR with internal pull up on the analogue pin draws 200uA max (less when dark).
That can be reduced further by using an external pull up resistor (5uA max with 1Megohm resistor).

If that's too much, then use a photo diode.
If used as solar panel (generating <= 0.6volt) and measured with 1.1volt Aref,
then no pull up resistor is needed and no current is drawn.
Might have to use a large area photo diode, like the BPW34.

Unfortunately, there are no packages available from my distributor for LDR. I have to go with one of the 3 options mentioned.

Any recommendations?