analogRead failure with Adafruit_SSD1306 and U8glib

I've been struggling with uneven analog readings (analogRead(A0):wink: whenever I connect a SSD OLED. As soon as I initiate the SSD OLED once with either Adafruit_SSD1306 or the U8glib library the reading become unstable as per attached example.

If I disconnect the SSD OLED and run the same code with the SSD library specific commands the readings are stable.

The library is clearly messing with the analog pin A0 - A2 reading, tested on several Arduino UNO's.
What can be done to get around the issue?

My electrical set up is made of voltage dividers with capacitors to stabilize the voltage .

Topic moved from
"Installation & Troubleshooting
For problems with Arduino itself, NOT your project"

Topic moved from
"Installation & Troubleshooting
For problems with Arduino itself, NOT your project"

Sorry, my mistake

Hi, I'm new to both formu and arduino. I have the same problem as this tread, I did a search without finding it.
I would be very grateful if you could give me some guidance on where to find it or on tread of the same type "analogRead failure with Adafruit_SSD1306 and U8glib # 2 May 27, 2019, 06:27 pm"
Arduino Forum? topic = 617954.0; prev_next prev = # new.
Sorry for the bad language, thank you very much

Click the search Icon at top of page searchIcon.png and type "analog jitter".


Not noise for sure, the library is in some way impacting on the PWM reading.

The solution depends on WHAT you want to read.
For voltage sensors, you could use the internal 1.1volt reference. Or link to the 3.3volt reference.
Ratiometric sensors (pots, hall sensors) might need other tricks.

If you had read the "how to post" sticky, and posted according to the forum rules, then we wouldn't have to ask these questions.