Any alternative to Adafruit SD library?

I'm currently struggling with my ram.
I'm not the best at writing code and at exploiting functions, so I'm sure my code would surely work (even better) with way less than the 1159 bytes of ram that I'm using right now (on a Nano)

But #include <SD.h> drains more than 780 bytes by itself... basically one third of the ram, simply by being invoked (not to mention the flash memory needed to upload).

I'm using 6 others libraries in my sketch and all 6 of them combined ask for less than 200 bytes.

I tried several (older) version of the Sd.h library and there seem to be no difference in ram usage.

Is there any easy library I can use that is not that thirsty?

I was concerned about memory usage also but needed to log data. Jremington suggested Sparkfun'so OpenLog. It writes to a micro SD and does not require any memory. Super easy to use too.

It writes to a micro SD and does not require any memory.

It certainly DOES. That memory happens to be part of the microcontroller on that hardware, rather than on the Arduino that it is connected to.

OP: Writing to, and reading from, an SD card requires a 512 byte buffer. That is where most of the memory goes. Just including SD.h does not use 720 bytes. Opening a file does.

@TKall Sparkfun OpenLog is a nice module, but also very expensive. I'm going to spend more on that module that what I paid for my whole project. A lighter library woulb be better (also considering that no one needs 512B of buffer memory. 20 years ago I had smaller dissertations).

@PaulS Simply by uploading an empty sketch with SD.h included uses 15% flash and 38% ram. Used, reserved whatever... it's memory I can't use for something else. SD.h datalogger example is 12KB heavy (40%) and uses up to 1KB of ram (50%).

My perfectly fine and light code overloaded simply by including SD.h and SPI.h. An SD module is not supposed to add storage memory by draining my board memory.

SDFat seem to be somehow an alternative (around 80 Bytes lighter)

Sparkfun OpenLog is a nice module, but also very expensive

There are some less expensive clones/knockoff's on Ebay.

It certainly DOES. That memory happens to be part of the microcontroller on that hardware, rather than on the Arduino that it is connected to

I guess you could say the same thing about the power grid the Arduino is plugged into but I wasn't counting that either.