Hello Humans,
I am having trouble wrapping my head around C-Strings VS Strings and the proccess behind moving data between each other.
As far as i have worked out: (I am probably wrong)
A C-String/Char Array is
- Defined as
char receivedChars[numChars];
- When viewed contains an array like
- Each index is considered a Char even when containing more than one character and can be editied using Char Operators.
- Can only have data added if space has been previously allocated for it (Still unsure how to allocate array size outside of definition.)
A String is
- Defined as
- When viewed contains
- Is not the sum of its parts, is only a string. Cannot be referenced using Char Operators.
- Can dynamically allocate its own memory as it is written to.
(I have no idea if C-string and Char Array are different names for the same thing. Stack exchange forums seem to refer to them as the same. )
I've tried using strcat and a few other functions to append a string onto a C-string/Char Array with no luck.
I manage to get a clean compile using a for loop but i havent tested this working yet.
for (int a = i; i < (CMDChars + i); i++){
CMD += receivedChars[a]; /// Add Elements to CMD String
- My main code takes in serial data;
- Saves it to a C-String/Array that is pre-allocated 32(bytes/cookies)? ; "writing over itself from 0 index if exceeding 32"
- Searches through each index for an alphabetical character.;
- If it finds an alphabetical character it searches the next 3 indexs for a number 0 to 9;
- If 3 fails, use a for loop to move all C-string elements - 1 starting from 0 index;
- if 4 fails, use a for loop to move all C-string elements - 4 starting from 0 index;
Then a later date I would like to set the allocated char array to reduce its size after receiving data. Then increase its size to 32 again at the start of data receiving.
If someone can help me clarify the differences and pros and cons between moving data between strings/CharArrays/C-Strings that would be sweet.
I kind of made a mess of this post but i didn't want to leave any information out so here is the code ive got so far.
Func at line 152 is where it starts. A note to make is that i am using FastLED which fudges serial data. So im writing into a C-string/Array to get serial reading done ASAP.
#include "FastLED.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 144 ///144
#define PIN 3 // LED signal Pin
SoftwareSerial HM10(9, 8);///9 (RX) ///8 (TX)
CRGB pixels[NUM_LEDS];
int leds[294]; ///For Aligning Vertical/Horizontal Motion /// NUMBER OF LEDS IN ONE CIRCLE~?leds[NUM_LEDS/4];
int max_overall_brightness = 255;
int overall_brightness = 255;
float red_max = 1;
float green_max = 1;
float blue_max = 1;
int red;
int green;
int blue;
int animation_rate = 5;
int MAXanimation_rate = 10;
int mode = 1; // Animation mode index
int MAXmode = 14; // max mode index
int incoming_command = 0;
int animation_speed = 2;
// These variables are used within the animation methods.
// They are scoped by name, but global in the sketch,
// so that animations will not restart when commands are received.
///////////////////////////////Serial BT Receiver
int Power;
const byte CMDChars = 4;
const byte numChars = 32; //array size limiter
char receivedChars[numChars]; // Array of received data
boolean RecNewData = false;
boolean SendNewData = false;
static byte ndxRx = 0; // index size of "received data" storage
static byte ndxSort = 0; // index size of array
bool NewDataRx = false;
bool RxValidData = false;
String CMD;
char CSV[2] = {',','\0'};
//char AAA[4] = {'M', '1', '3','\0'};
//char BBB[3] = {'S', '4','\0'};
//char CCC[4] = {'V', '8','0','\0'};
//char DDD[3] = {'P', '1','\0'};
int DataCleanUp = 0;
//BeaconEDIT Vars
int VerticalLEDs = 6;
int HorizontalLEDs = 24; //LEDS in one circle
// Beacon Vars
double beacon_angle = 0;
int beacon_led_angle = 0;
double beacon_left_distance = 0;
double beacon_right_distance = 0;
double beacon_absolute_distance = 0.0;
int beacon_beam_width = 10; // in degrees
int beacon_beam_width_Half = (HorizontalLEDs / VerticalLEDs);
int beacon_falloff = 35; // in degrees
int beacon_pixel_brightness = 0; // in degrees
bool CanReadSoftSerial = true;
volatile boolean animate = true;
volatile long animation_change_timeout;
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, PIN, GRB>(pixels, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(5, 700); // limit power of LED strip to 5V, 500mA
Serial.println("Setup Complete");
void loop() {
// unsigned long start = micros();
recvWithStartEndMarkers(); // Receive BT serial data
// unsigned long end = micros();
// unsigned long delta = end - start;
// Serial.print("SerialBufferScan = ");
// Serial.println(delta);
SortRxData ();
void recvWithStartEndMarkers() {
NewDataRx = false;
RxValidData = false;
char IncomingChar;
//if (HM10.available() == 0){ //////Clock speed determins animation speed
// FastLED.show();
// }
while (HM10.available() > 0 && RecNewData == false) {
IncomingChar = HM10.read();
HM10.print(IncomingChar); // Send CheckByte
HM10.flush(); ///WAIT FOR DATA TO SEND
if (ndxRx >= numChars) { // if index exceeds byte limit
// ndxRx = numChars - 1; // set index to re-write over last char in array
ndxRx = 0; // set index to re-write over last char in array
receivedChars[ndxRx] = IncomingChar; // index chars in array index ndx
ndxRx++; // increase index number
// Serial.print("ndxRx:");Serial.println(ndxRx);
// Serial.print("RxCharArray:");Serial.println(receivedChars);
// Serial.print("RxCharArraySize:");Serial.println(strlen(receivedChars));
RxValidData = true;
// if (HM10.available() == 0){ //////Clock speed determins animation speed
// FastLED.show();
// }
//Just for completeness:
//read first c-string array index:
//if c is (Any Letter): get next character
//if c is digit: get next character
//if c is something else: stop and remove from c to last digit from c-string.
//if there are no more characters: Change checker bool to false;
//isalpha() = letter OR? isupper()?
//isdigit() = number
void DataChecker() {
int i = 0;
int x = 0;
if (RxValidData == true){
for (i = 0; i < receivedChars; i++){ /// For every element in recChars AKA "C-String"
if (isalpha(receivedChars[i])) { // if element is alphabetic letter
for (x = i; i < (CMDChars + i); i++){ /// for 3 indexs above element i
if (isdigit(receivedChars[x])){ /// if element is number
DataCleanUp = 0; //SwitchCase to save
else {
DataCleanUp = 2; // Remove from X to I index from Cstring
break; // Exit For-Loop with Last Numbers Index as x
else {
DataCleanUp = 1; // Remove First Index from Cstring
break; // Exit For-Loop with First Letters Index as i
case 0: //Valid Receive create CMD string
for (int a = i; i < (CMDChars + i); i++){
CMD += receivedChars[a]; /// Add Elements to CMD String (DONT FORGET TO EMPTY STRING AFTER USAGE)
case 1: // INVALID RECEIVED remove first index from C-string /// CSTRING = Get length of string; MOVE i+1 to i; MOVE i+2 to i+1; MOVE i+3 to i+2; MOVE i+4 to i+3; MOVE i+5 to i+4
for (int p = 0; p <= (receivedChars.length()); p++){
receivedChars[p] = receivedChars[p+1];
case 2: // INVALID RECEIVED remove X to I index from C-string /// CSTRING = Get length of string; MOVE x+1 to i; MOVE X+2 to i+1; MOVE X+3 to i+2; MOVE X+4 to i+3; MOVE X+5 to i+4
for (int d = 0; d <= ((receivedChars.length()) - x); d++){
receivedChars[d] = receivedChars[((x+1)+d)];
void SortRxData (){
if (RxValidData == true){
CMD = String(receivedChars);
// Serial.print("RxCharArray:");Serial.println(receivedChars);
for (int i=0; i <= (numChars-1); i++){
receivedChars[i] = NULL; // Set all array to null
// delete[] receivedChars; // Delete array to free memory
// Serial.print("RxCharArrayCleared:");Serial.println(receivedChars);
void CheckNewDataFunc() { /// Find values in received Data
if (CMD.indexOf('M') == 0){ // if mode('M') char found
if (CMD.indexOf('1') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS An M+");
if ((mode < MAXmode)&&(mode != 99)){
mode += 1;
else if (mode == 99){
mode = 0;
else if (CMD.indexOf('0') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS An M-");
if ((mode > 0)&&(mode != 99)){
mode -= 1;
else if (mode == 99){
mode = 0;
Serial.print("mode:"); // print mode result
Serial.println(mode); // print mode result
else if (CMD.indexOf('S') == 0){ // if mode('M') char found
if (CMD.indexOf('1') == 1){
Serial.println("ITS An S+");
// if (animation_rate < MAXmode){
// animation_rate += 1;
// }
else if (CMD.indexOf('0') == 1){
Serial.println("ITS A S-");
// if (MAXanimation_rate > 0){
// animation_rate -= 1;
// }
else if (CMD.indexOf('V') == 0){ // if mode('M') char found
if (CMD.indexOf('1') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS A V+");
if (overall_brightness < max_overall_brightness){
overall_brightness += 5;
else if (CMD.indexOf('0') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS A V-");
if (overall_brightness > 5){
overall_brightness -= 5;
else if (CMD.indexOf('P') == 0){ // if mode('M') char found
if (CMD.indexOf('1') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS A P+");
mode = 0;
Power = 1;
else if (CMD.indexOf('0') == 1){
// Serial.println("ITS A P-");
mode = 99;
Power = 0;
else if (CMD.indexOf('R') == 0){ // if Red ('R') char found
String CMDVal = CMD;
int Rxred_max = CMDVal.toInt();
green_max = ((float)Rxred_max / 255); /// convert 255 into decimal for animations
Serial.print("IT IS RED:");Serial.println(red_max);
// incoming_command = 99;
else if (CMD.indexOf('G') == 0){ // if Red ('R') char found
String CMDVal = CMD;
int Rxgreen_max = CMDVal.toInt();
red_max = ((float)Rxgreen_max / 255); /// convert 255 into decimal for animations
Serial.print("IT IS GREEN:");Serial.println(green_max);
// incoming_command = 99;
else if (CMD.indexOf('B') == 0){ // if Red ('R') char found
String CMDVal = CMD;
int Rxblue_max = CMDVal.toInt();
blue_max = ((float)Rxblue_max / 255); /// convert 255 into decimal for animations
Serial.print("IT IS BLUE:");Serial.println(blue_max);
// incoming_command = 99;
else {
for (int i=0; i<numChars; i++){
CMD[i] = NULL;