just downloaded the zip and I cannot find the arduino.exe file. Looked through all the folders. ????
Did you look in the program_Files folder?
I have and it is not there. I've been doing this since 022 and it hasn't ever been in program files, it has always been in main folder, e.g. arduino1.6.5
I used the zip file and arduino.exe is in my arduino-1.6.6 directory.
If all else fails, download it again and give it another try.
BTW. Did you unzip the file and you're looking in the hard drive directories or are you just looking at the list given by winzip (or whatever) when you first open the distribution?
Thanks - I did download it again and voilla !! there it is.
It wasn't there the first time - that's my story and I'm stickin to it :<)