Arduino 1.77" SPI TFT Blank White Screen Only

I tried both, but still no luck. Do you think the display is not being initialised successfully when the sketch starts?


It's hard to say but the TFT initialization is the key ingredient in the formula. Despite having experience working with TFTs with UNO, MEGA and DUE, I'm not a good connoisseur of the Arduino 1.77. In particular, the codes that I have provided to you run thoroughly with my Arduino UNO and Adafruit 1.8 TFT which are closest to yours. It could be anything what is causing your problem, from a broken wire to a corrupted IDE (without ruling out the possibility of a defective TFT). Right now the only thing I can think of is for you to contact and depending on their answer, to contact your TFT's vendor for a replacement.


Okay. Thanks for the help, Palliser, I'll contact arduino support. At least now having tried many different approaches I can be more confidant it wasn't just my programming/electronics abilities that were causing the problem! Like you say, it could be defective in some manner instead.

Thanks again,


I'm going to ask the obvious quetsion:

Are you sure you have the latest libraries?

AFAIK, yes. The libraries (TFT, Adafruit_ST7735 and Adafruit_GFX) were used from IDE 1.5.6-r2 dated Feb.21, 2014. By the way, have you a 1.77 and UNO?


By the way, have you a 1.77 and UNO?

Unfortunately, no, I don't have an Arduino brand board at my disposal.

Perhaps I'll just return the display to my supplier and find another one (one made by Freetronics to ensure absolute compatibility with my board).


Anybody still trying to check this out

The first response indicated you do not need an SD card to run the sample code. TFTBitmapLogo

That is not entirely true. You will need to modify the code because it does a clear screen and then try and plot the logo image at various points. Without the logo image available, it just repeatedly clears the screens to white.