I have found a lot of documentation for sending information from Xcode (Iphone) to an Arduino, however I am coming up with very little in terms of an Arduino sending data to be captured via Xcode.
*I have a Arduino with 10DOF (Accelerometer, Gyrometer, Magnometer)
I would like to take the data captured by the Arduino and capture it via Xcode. Does anyone have sourcecode or links for the coding that may be utilized within Xcode to capture such data (incoming data from Arduino Accelerometer, Gyrometer, Magnometer)?
Furthermore, I am interested in capturing said data from the Arduino to provide motion data to a 3D object (.dae file) within Xcode. In Essennce capturing the movement of the Arduino, transmitting it into Xcode and having it display the movements in 3D.
I have seen this done below. (Without Xcode) However cannot locate any versions in Xcode to help with the implementation of said project.
Any information is relevant as I am new to Xcode and stumped at this time.
Thank you all for your help and support.