Arduino 4wd bt car V2

Hey! I have been trying for ever to get this car to drive, it’s a school project. Does anyone have a working existing code for the car that they can send me? Thank.

"This car.....,,,". ? No car visible in the post, not even screw.
Aren't You supposed to learn, think and createat school? Copying ready made things is hardly what school wants from You.

analogWrite(motorPin, speed) can make a motor spin.

The teacher and I are trying to find existing code, neither of us could get the car to turn, been working on it all week.


I google searched "keyestudio 4WD bluetooth-compatible robot car kit 2.0 for arduino" from the front of the box you show and the very first link was from the company. At the bottom of that page was links to tutorials in a dropbox. There were dozens of code examples there.

That was the very first hit googling the exact wording from the box. How hard did you really look?

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