Arduino 6502 emulator + BASIC interpreter

any idea why the execution of miker00lz 6502 emulator code fail on arduino uno/nano?
I get stucked on the memory size part
Any hints are welcome to go further :wink:

It is a test with a TTGO display and its graphic library, with a small tribute to Commodore 64. I use a serial wifi connection with the putty configured in rlogin. It is a first version that can be improved. Thank the community for the development of libraries. I upload photos and the program. (19.2 KB)


Whats the license this code is under? MIT, LGPL, public domain?
I'm considering converting this thing to lua.


Sorry, I don't know the license.
I am trying to save and read the basic in sd card, in case someone has worked on it.
It would be interesting to enable the save command and the load command of the basic commodore.

unknown type name 'prog_uchar'

I had the same problem.

To fix it:

  1. Make sure the file pgmspace.h is present so that

#include <pgmspace.h>

will reference it. You could simple copy it to the same place as stdint.h
I found it in an older version of the Arduino IDE in
I have attached this file.

  1. Change

prog_uchar BIOS[10496] PROGMEM = {


const char BIOS[10496] PROGMEM = {

  1. Change

prog_uchar BIOStop[256] PROGMEM = {


const char BIOStop[256] PROGMEM = {

That's all, and it compiled and loaded, then used a Terminal to run it.

pgmspace.h (27.8 KB)