arduino and matlab

I have connected arduino and matlab.Now everything okay.But i dont know how to access the arduino from matlab.i want to know where can i get the codes for that(i know only few digitalWrite(a,13,1) like that).But i need to know all available codes.Please help me.Thank you in advance.

What about this?

%-- connect to the board
a = arduino('COM9')

%-- specify pin mode

%-- digital i/o
a.digitalRead(4) % read pin 4
a.digitalWrite(13,0) % write 0 to pin 13

%-- analog i/o
a.analogRead(5) % read analog pin 5
a.analogWrite(9, 155) % write 155 to analog pin 9

%-- serial port
a.serial % get serial port
a.flush; % flushes PC's input buffer
a.roundTrip(42) % sends 42 to the arduino and back

%-- servos
a.servoAttach(9); % attach servo on pin #9
a.servoWrite(9,100); % rotates servo on pin #9 to 100 degrees
val=a.servoRead(9); % reads angle from servo on pin #9
a.servoDetach(9); % detach servo from pin #9

%-- encoders
a.encoderAttach(0,3,2) % attach encoder #0 on pins 3 (pin A) and 2 (pin B)
a.encoderRead(0) % read position
a.encoderReset(0) % reset encoder 0
a.encoderStatus; % get status of all three encoders
a.encoderDebounce(0,12) % sets debounce delay to 12 (~1.2ms)
a.encoderDetach(0); % detach encoder #0

%-- adafruit motor shield (with AFMotor library)
a.motorRun(4, 'forward') % run motor forward
a.stepperStep(1, 'forward', 'double', 100); % move stepper motor

%-- close session

i got the available codes.Thanks

I have ever handled.As a matter of fact i dont know what that mean in respect with arduino.