How to Add Arduino.AppImage Application to Menu in Ubuntu (Linux)
Tested on following Configuration of Environment:
- Arduino Application: arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
- Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Step to use AppImage
Download the Arduino AppImage (Assumption: Default Download Location, i.e. ~/Downloads)
Open the terminal and Run the following Commands
mkdir ~/Documents/Arduino
mv ~/Downloads/arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage ~/Documents/Arduino
sudo chmod +x ~/Documents/Arduino/arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2
Optional (To Debug the Error while Running the file)
Run the file (./arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage) to execute and check for errors
if no errors, close the application by going to file and click on exit
Run the following Commands to get full path to Arduino AppImage file
realpath arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
File Path is: /home/virtualbox/Documents/Arduino/arduino-ide_2.1.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
replace the entries for "TryExec" and "Exec" with file path obtained
Create a desktop Entry with following Steps:
Run the command to open editor
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/'Arduino IDE.desktop'
Paste the following
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Arduino 2
Comment=Arduino IDE 2
#replace TryExec and Exec entry with file path obtained above
Run the command to add option for adding to favorite
sudo cp ~/.local/share/applications/'Arduino IDE.desktop' /usr/share/applications
Type in password if promoted
Logout and login, There should be an entry available in application menu
Done !