I have just found this intrested project and have read a lot in the document but I have some question about Arduino.
So if the question is simple for you, I hope you can forgive me.
I'm about to automate my house and I wonder if I can use Arduino to do this?
I need a master that can read and write information to some slaves (nodes) in my house.
The thing I will control is inputs: temp, switches, keyboard 4*4 matris and IR-detectors. Output is relays, pumps and lamps.
If it can be stand alone it's good. But I will also have the chance to let a computer drive the nodes and log the things the master are receiving.
I hope that here are some kind people that can help me in the right direction.
This is not right what I'm looking for.
It seems just to use one Aruino.
I shall use 10-15 on different places in the house.
If I can get it to work with a wireless connection (433MHz) it shall be the best, then I don't have to drag cabel everywhere.
This seems like not a very safe idea. As far as I know the wireless available for the Arduino like XBee is not encrypted (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so if one was made to unlock a door or open the garage it could easily be compromised with no traces or evidence. If using Arduino the boards would already require some wiring for the power so it doesn't seem like adding signal wiring would be that much more of a hassle. Then again I've never done anything with home automation so take my opinion for what its worth. Cheers!
You will not find many posts in the domotica forum regarding arduino, but that's gonna change as more and more people found there way to arduino.
I'm busy coding a home automation system based on arduino's or better, atmega328's, as i will only use the arduino to do the development, and afterwards, use dedicated pcb's.
If you're interested in joining forces, let me know.
I have been looking into this aswell, the way I envision it, make a shield with about 4 relays for general purpose, several inputs, and some type of a dipswitch addressable com system. The later is where Im completely lost.
I would like a joint venture if either of you are interested