I got two of these as well. but I really cannot figure out how to connect them.
Do I need 3 wires from Arduino to control the board?
example, pseudo-code
Short R_EN (pin3) & L_EN (pin4), hook them together to one PWM pin 9 on Arduino.
Connect Arduino Digital pin D7 to R_PWM (pin 1),
Connect Arduino Digital pin D8 to L_PWM (pin2).
//To turn forward,
{digitalwrite(D7,1); digitalWrite(8,0); analogwrite(9, XX);}
//To turn reverse,
{digitalwrite(D7,0); digitalWrite(8,1); analogwrite(9, XX);}
//To stop,
Thanks Paul,
You described the half bridge control which is very clear.
Unfortunately, that is not what I am after.
I must apologise for not clear with my purpose.
I need to use 2 half bridge to form a H-bridge to provide directional & speed control for a motor.
Yes, I have 2 of this board from ebay too.
As I'm not sure of how it actually work & I'm really lack electronic skills. I don't have money to burn anything, Burning either the Arduino, the BTS7960B motor driver board or 2 500Watt DC motor are just too expensive.
I am having the impression that we have the same question. Why waste forum bandwidth by creating a duplicate thread? If I were to start a threat the title will be exactly"Arduino Double BTS7960B 43A motor driver question"
The datasheet
It says its a 1/2 bridge.
Page 3 show the block diagram
page 5 says
Pin1, GND - Ground
Pin2, IN Input : Defines whether high- or lowside switch is activated
Pin3, INH : Inhibit : When set to low device goes in sleep mode
Pin4,8 OUT : Power output of the bridge
Pin5 SR I Slew Rate :The slew rate of the power switches can be adjusted by connecting a resistor between SR and GND
Pin6 IS : Current Sense and Diagnosis
Pin7 VS - Supply
When I trace the Drive board circuit, I found there are 2 BTS7960 chip
IN1 is connected to R_PWM pin1via 74AH244DW
IN2 is connected to L_PWM pin2
INH1 is connected to R_EN pin3
INH2 is connected to L_EN pin4
IS1 is connect to pin 5 pin5
IS2 is connect to pin 6 pin6
Actually, I don't understand how to 1) connect it as H-bridge. & 2) how can a 1/2 bridge do diection control ?
There is also an example of H-bridge in page 6. of datasheet Warning
It has 4 lead connected to a MCU,
IS1 & IS2 share same pin,
INH1 & IH2 share a same pin
IN1 has its own pin &
IN2 has its own pin.
There are 2 ways to wire it, depending on if you want to use the fewest number of outputs, or if you want to use the fewest number of PWM outputs.
For both you obviously need to hook up the Vcc and Gnd.
Option 1 - 2PWM outputs:
Connect R_EN and L_EN to VCC (either short on the driver or wire it up), this effectively enables both directions to work.
Then connect the RPWM and LPWM to 2 separate outputs on the Arduino.
To control it, use digital write to set the direction you aren't using to 0, and analogwrite to set the other one to the desired setting. To stop it, set both to 0.
Option 2 - 2 digital outputs, one PWM output:
Connect R_EN and L_EN to the PWM output. Use analogwrite to set the desired speed.
Connect RPWM and LPWM to the digital outputs. Set the desired direction to high and the undesired direction to 0.
To stop, you can simply set the PWM output to 0.
KenC, 2 half bridges get combined to make a H bridge. They are basically the 2 sides of the Hs, the | parts of |-|, with your load being the -.
The left one determines if the left side is connected to the top or the bottom (+ or -) and the right one determines if the right side is connected to the top or bottom.
By using the 2 bridges together, the left one goes up and the right one goes down or vice versa, this will hook the left side up to + with the right side up to - or vice versa, allowing you to control the flow of current through the motor and thus the direction (assuming it is a DC motor).
With some chips you can also lock the motor in place (or make it hard to move) by connecting both sides to the top (or both to the bottom) so the motor is short circuited.
If so, you can connect two motors to it, and control speed and direction of both of them. independently.
If not, start your own thread, and describe the hardware you do have.
Hi Pauls,
I am a little confused, i also try to hook 2 motors to bts but i am afraid to fry sth.
Could you please tell me how to connect two motors to bts7960b. Bts7960 has 2 inlet for power supply (it says(B+ and B-) and 2 outlet for motor (it says M+ and M-).