Hi I currently read the amps
of ACS 723 -40A, with the following code amp_1 = map (analogRead (A0), 512,1023,0,625); using with arduino nano, this code returns from ACS me 2.5v at 0 Amp and 4.5v-5v at max 40A.
Now I hope to use the map function with auduino due, but on the ports it accepts max to 3.3v, so I can't read all the power up to 40A.
I ask if there the possibility of modify this using new code function on arduino due reading all from zero Ampere to 40 Ampere power max.
thank you,
The ACS723 is a 5volt only ratiometric sensor, and will not work well with 3.3volt processors.
The chip and the board are also not safe to use with mains voltage, in case you were thinking of doing so.
Thanks Leo, maybe I could use ACS756 which can be powered also 3.3v, maybe I have to change the parameters of the MAP command?
What are you measuring.
Are you sure a hall sensor is the right answer.
Hello thanks , I have a power amplifier ( amateur radio). this equipment have RF output 1Kw, I have one LCD display that show from ACS the
used ampere.
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Ok I'll do as you say thanks.
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