Arduino Due Overheating

I recently got a new Arduino Due board and have used it for a couple weeks now. However, today when I went to use it, I had some problems. I could not find my board on the port menu and I also discovered that the board is overheating somewhere behind the programming port. I can't do anything with it and I really need this for a STEM project I am building. I would really prefer not to have to buy a new Arduino for my project so any help is greatly appreciated.

Also, the board does turn on when you plug it in - the "on" LED turns on.

Where exactly is it getting hot? Is it the SAM chip itself? Which component is it?

It is heating up directly behind the power jack, it actually significantly melted part of the plastic case around the bottom of the jack even though it was plugged in for at most 30 seconds before I realized how hot it was.