Arduino engeneering kit r2 section 5.0

When I connect the complex robot to the computer and try to run the simulation, I succeeded in moving the 2 DC motors. However, when I attempted to activate the SERVO motor, I encountered the following issue: the lever reached the maximum position, but the motor continued to try to rotate in that direction. Even when I changed the values, there was no change, and the motor kept moving in the same direction. How can I teach the motor its limitations? Or is it that at this stage, it is not yet done, and we only verify that the components are functioning

Please post your sketch, using code tags when you do

Are you sure that you have actually got a servo and not a so called continuous rotation "not really a servo" ?

Does the servo work as expected when used with the Sweep example ?

I haven't reached the stage where I write code yet; I simply ran the file published at the beginning of the tutorial and ran the servo motor accordingly

As the servo came with the kit it is probably a proper servo. You say

What happens of you remove the output arm from the servo ?

I know that the servo motor works well because I used it in the painting project
When I turn off the motor, it still continues, and then I have to turn off the device and disconnect it from the computer to cancel the operation.

I'm not sure if it's related, but when I start the simulation, I get an error that says something is missing in the installation.

Sorry but I am not familiar with the Engineering kit or its operation but I assume that the message is significant

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