Arduino Every and Fast ADC? Also Code feasibility check?

Hey guys im looking at some project feasibility.

I need to do two analog reads, a digital read, and process a calculation and provide an I2C response within (I estimate) 250 microseconds.

I tried to set the pre-scalars for the analog reads the posted about way but it doesn't seem to compile. here's a link to the standard stuff: Faster Analog Read? - Frequently-Asked Questions - Arduino Forum

I also started writing up some code to handle this, its been about 7 years since i have done much so im a bit rusty. let me know what you think or if I made any egregious mistakes.

void setup() {

  Wire.setClock(400000); // Set the SCL clock speed to 400kHz
  dac.begin(0x60);  //Start DAC. DAC address 0x60 or 0x61

  #define MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE (60UL*1000000UL)

  int Tach = 4;
  pinMode(Tach, INPUT);

  int fValue = analogRead(A1);
  int PValue = analogRead(A0);
  int FFinal = fValue

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  fValue = analogRead(A1);
  PValue = analogRead(A0);

  if (pValue < 300){
      dac.setVoltage((fValue * 4), false); //writing voltage out without adjustment
  } else {
    float MAFAdj = 
    (((980 - pValue)*(7050- currentRPM(Tach))/(555)) + 
    ((pValue -425)*(7050- currentRPM(Tach))/(555)*1.135) + 
    (( (980 - pValue)*(currentRPM(Tach) -4150)/(555)) * 1.092) + 
    ((( pValue - 425) * (currentRPM(Tach) -4150)/(555)) * 1.361));
    int FFinal = fValue * MAFAdj *4;
    dac.setVoltage((FFinal), false); //write final voltage to adjusted maf out

  int currentRPM(int inputPin) {
      unsigned long pulseLength = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);  // Microseconds per pulse
      pulseLength = (pulseLength * 100) / 30;  // Convert from 30% to 100%
      unsigned long pulseRate = MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE / pulseLength; // Pulses per minute
      return pulseRate / PULSES_PER_REVOLUTION;

A few questions:
-the DAC im using over i2c requests a HEX handoff so im just supplying it a 0-4095 integer and I think that will work.
-Any estimates on the performance of this on the Every's 20MHz processor? (I realize while writing this that I am polling RPM every time in the calculation, ill update it to read once and write to a variable per loop.))

Thanks for taking the time to read!


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I think the Nano may require different pre-scaler code from the Uno as its a slightly different chip,
worth checking.

Floating point will affect performance on 8-bit microcontrollers - can the calcs be done fixed-point?

I've looked for a few hours on how to set the prescalar differently. Read the data sheet twice.

Im a bit out of my depth there.

As far as float vs integer, I need to carry 3 decimal point precision into the next calculation. Now the output value is between 1-1.5 so I suppose I could multiply it by 1000 and write it to an integer then divide it in the next calculation, but I think it will reduce to one as soon as that division runs, right?