Arduino IDE > 1.6.9 unusable

A lot of Arduino Makers failed with the Fingerprint Sensor Sketch with Arduino IDE > 1.6.9 , because there is a massive Array issue with the newest IDE versions.

The most easy sketches are working fine... but if you are using Arduino extremely... then you will get broken programs :slight_smile: Compiling is working fine, but the uploaded sketch will not work as aspected.

I've switched back to 1.6.9, the last working IDE version. All later versions are defective (include 1.6.13).

Can you point to the Fingerprint Sensor Sketch that works in 1.6.9 and not in 1.6.13?

Product: Fingerprint sensor : ID 751 : $49.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Library: GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library: Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
Issues: Issues 路 adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library 路 GitHub
Issue detail: Is not working with Arduino IDE 1.6.13! But with Arduino IDE 1.6.7 :)= 路 Issue #19 路 adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library 路 GitHub

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From Issues 路 adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library 路 GitHub

If i use ... byte[] arr

for(i=0;i<5;i++) Serial.print(arr[i]);

all is working fine. But...

byte test = arr[1]; .... then I will get wrong values.

Please post a complete, minimal example sketch that demonstrates the problem, not code snippets.

Can you point to the Fingerprint Sensor Sketch that works in 1.6.9 and not in 1.6.13?

Product: Fingerprint sensor : ID 751 : $49.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Library: GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library: Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
Issues: Issues 路 adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library 路 GitHub
Issue detail: Is not working with Arduino IDE 1.6.13! But with Arduino IDE 1.6.7 :)= 路 Issue #19 路 adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library 路 GitHub

None of those is a sketch. Did you mean one of the library example sketches? If so, which one?

It's easy... download the Fingerprint Sensor Sketch and try it with the Arduino 1.6.13 IDE (it will not work).

Try it with the 1.6.9 IDE or lower... and it will work.

Then you will find the array issue that the 1.6.13 IDE / compiler produced.

You will have the same trouble with many other sketches, so this is the reason why the Arduino IDE > 1.6.9 is unusable for complex sketches.

It's easy... download the Fingerprint Sensor Sketch and try it with the Arduino 1.6.13 IDE (it will not work).

Try it with the 1.6.9 IDE or lower... and it will work.

Compiling is working fine, but the uploaded sketch will not work as aspected.

I don't happen to own a fingerprint sensor so it's impossible for me to do that

You will have the same trouble with many other sketches, so this is the reason why the Arduino IDE > 1.6.9 is unusable for complex sketches.

I've been using Arduino IDE > 1.6.9 for the last 7.5 months on hundreds of sketches, including some very complex ones, and haven't encountered any problems with arrays. If you found a bug and want to get it fixed then you're going to have to make a bit of effort but if it turns out to be legitimate we will do our best to get it fixed. If you're just here to complain then you're wasting my time.

It's too easy to blame the computer OS or the Arduino IDE, or the board, when 99.9% of the time its operator error of some kind.

Ive used Arduino IDE versions from 0022 through 1.8.0. My projects now include multiple ATmega mcus, multiple bus protocols, multiple displays, multiple sensors and peripheral devices, multiple inputs, multiple outputs and usually about a dozen of my own libraries with about the same number of local header files attached to the .ino file.

As for arrays, my projects include local arrays, static arrays, dynamic arrays, PROGMEM arrays.

Do I encounter problems? Sure, all the time. Sometimes a head scratcher can take hours to figure out what's happening. But, it always results in a laugh or face palm, because it's some silly coding mistake.

What does all this verbal nonsense mean? If you can't find a coding error, sit back take a deep breath, maybe walk away and do something else for a while. Come back to the problem with a clear head, think about what's happening, and what should be happening. Write some simple proof-of-concept programs that demonstrate the problem. Doing this will often result in the face palm, because it's often easier to see a problem in a simple program, than in a complex program of thousands of lines of code.

Most importantly, have fun!!!