Arduino IoT Cloud, install window spam, do not see anything new being installed

Hello, I am trying out the IoT cloud feature with a Arduino Nano 33 IoT. I have connected the Arduino as a "Thing" and set the network name & password. I have uploaded a sketch to the Arduino. I am still offline however.

My current issue is that it seems something is not installed correctly, I keep getting these windows on an interval:

title: "Installing drivers",
text: "We are about to install some drivers needed to use Arduino/Genuino boards Do you want to contitnue?"
Options: "Yes", "No"

The count is at 30+ of these windows. The spamming stops when I click yes, but continues after a PC restart, and I do not see anything being installed... I have tried reinstalling Create Agent a couple times now (that is what seems to cause the window spam since it stops after uninstall).

My Create Agent SW is version 1.3.3.

I use windows 11.

I might just be severely confused by the window spamming and maybe I am installing this unknown thing after all when I click yes, but the Create Agent has already said it has been successfully installed before the window spam so I just have no idea what the window spam is about... Maybe all that is wrong is the network name or password, but I have checked and those settings are correct. Since this is on a work site maybe some security is blocking the Arduino?

Help is appreciated!

This is the issue I am having, sorry for the duplicate.

i also had this problem, but after clicking Yes in that popup window, it fixed for me,

and after the successful upload of your code, you can log in to your router and see if whether your Arduino board is successfully connected or not!
for there you can start troubleshooting, i think.
happy coding :black_heart:

Thanks for the reply!

I have tried clicking yes, and sure the spamming stops but will start again when restarting the PC.

Also I checked and yes it seems to have connection to the router, despite the popups... I do not think I can upload code however without the usb cable, just to be clear, since it is still not communicating to the cloud despite the router connection.

Did you get a different window when you clicked yes? Or did nothing visually happen for you as well, except yours stopped spamming? I am curious what it is trying to install, might give a hint to why it is failing.

What I suspect by looking in the github issue tracker for the Create Agent so far is that two versions of the Create Agent is installed, one for the basics and one for https stuff. I think the https stuff is failing. I will try and fiddle with whatever security might be blocking the installation but from what I've seen so far is that the Create Agent installation is allowed. Maybe since it is in some fashion split in two parts the security ignores the second part? I feel I am making too many assumptions at this point and might be on the wrong path...

no i did not get any window!
or didn't show any visual indicators.

I have the same problem, started ignoring the pop ups but then I realized it used up all the free space on my hard drive.

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My findings so far:

  • I have still not gotten the cloud connection to work at my workplace and I still get popup-spam.
  • I tried at home as well, initially it did not work and I had spam, but when I tried using the routers "wireless key" instead of its password, as password for the device, I got it to work and I only needed to click ok on the popup for it to stop spamming. From there on the device and cloud worked as expected!
    • I am not 100% sure what difference the passwords make but as I understand from googling the wireless key gives more security priviledges to whatever device is using it.

That is good to know, I have 200 gb on my hard drive so I don't think that is my issue but it indicates that the spamming not uncommon at least!

My conclusion is that the drivers do not signal if an installation is successful and spams instead when it is not installed. The specific drivers I have an issue with seems to need security priviledges that I have a hard time giving it at my workplace.

For now I will have to take a break from this project, but the solution seems to be to solve whatever network security is blocking my device in order to install the drivers fully.

Hi all. Thanks for reporting this. The Arduino Cloud developers are now tracking the bug here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject:


I had the same problem. It went away after installing Arduino IDE

never mind it started doing it again, though not as bad as before

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