ARDUINO MEGA 2560 Pin 53 (SS) problem


I'm using arduino mega 2560 for my project and there is only one SS(slave select) pin and I need 2 SS pins

any way to do it without using another micro-controller ?

I will be very grateful for any help.

You can pretty much use any digital pin(s) for SS signal but pin 53 (the hardware SS pin) must be set as output no matter what pin(s) you use else the SPI hardware will be in slave mode instead of master mode.

You can pretty much use any digital pin(s) for SS signal but pin 53 (the hardware SS pin) must be set as output no matter what pin(s) you use else the SPI hardware will be in slave mode instead of master mode.

thanks a lot Riva

but how can i program any pin to be SS

An SS pin does not need programming as such apart from making it an output and setting it high. When you want to talk to a particular SPI device you set it's SS pin low, do the SPI transfers and then set the SS pin high again when you finished talking to the SPI device.