Arduino Mega Libraries for Eagle

Hi, I have a project with Arduino Mega, but when I want to design a board in Eagle with some components. I didn't find libraries like Atmega2560, crystals, etc. Someone have these libraries for Eagle? Please.

Find a board you like and Export the libraries from the board.

I have Arduino Mega2560's board, but i don't know how export libraries. Please, can you explain me?

File:Export:Libraries, I think there are a couple of options as how to save from there.

I think CrossRoads means file some EAGLE files for a board you like (ie: Mega2560)..

then you can use that .sch/.brd file to EXPORT a library from that file. (hence creating your own custom library file from that project for your own needs)

Thank you so much, I can export every libraries.

download (36.3 KB)
