Arduíno Mega + MRF24J40


I'm starting using Arduino, pardon me if I say something wrong! =)

Everything seems very confusing to me, but I'm trying my best!

So, here is the problem:

I want to connect an Arduino to a wireless network of a lab, using 802.15.4

So, my best option, as my teacher said, is Microchip MRF24J40MA.

Using SPI, how can I connect both?

I already found the MISO, MOSI, SS and SCK in Arduino.

Arduino Mega users – MISO is 50, MOSI is 51, SCK is 52 and SS is usually 53

With that, I would connect directly, but the voltage in Arduino ports (5 Volts) is different from the Microchip (3.3V).

Are there any shield available, so I would avoid having the work to create one?

Also, I'm trying to create a connection betweek them, but i'm still unsure about the connection.

 MRF24J40MA(3.3V) - arduino (5v)
GND		           - GND
VIN    	           - 3.3V
CS (IN)     	           - SS    (OUT) - REDUCE 5v->3.3v
SDI    		   - MOSI  (OUT) - REDUCE 5v->3.3v
SDO    		   - MISO  (IN) - DIRETO
SCK    		   - SCK (OUT) - REDUCE 5v->3.3v
WAKE		           - NO CONNECTION
INT		           - PINO 3  (IN) - DIRETO

Also, can I use a resistor divider to get 3.3 Volts on the chip, like this?

Thanks in advance!

So, my best option, as my teacher said, is Microchip MRF24J40MA.

No it is not. It would mean you have to write a whole lot of internet stack. That is most defiantly beyond what you are capable of.
Your best bet is to get an Arduinio wireless shield.

802.15.4 specifies the physical layer and media access control for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs), such as ZigBee or MiWi, not standard ethernet.

I would recommend that you look for a ZigBee or MiWi shield.

Thank you, Grumpy_Mike and kd7eir for the replys!

I don't know if i need a shield yet, since now I know that the network I will connect doesn't use a protocol yet.

My goal is to use arduino to connect to the network and implement a package sniffer, monitoring the network.

So, I'm kinda lost. Any thoughts?

My goal is to use arduino to connect to the network and implement a package sniffer, monitoring the network.

One requirement of a packet sniffer is to have a large amount of memory to store the packets in. The arduino does not have very much memory for this.
How big a packet do you want to store? The Mega has most memory but that is only 8K so only a few packets, not really useful to be a sniffer.