Arduino Mega to esp8266

Why pH1 only fetching in esp8266?

Arduino Code:

#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <NewPing.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include "DFRobot_EC.h"
#include "GravityTDS.h"

// Pin assignments
const int phPin1 = A0;   // Pre-test pH sensor
const int phPin2 = A1;   // Post-test pH sensor
const int ecPin1 = A2;   // Pre-test EC sensor
const int ecPin2 = A3;   // Post-test EC sensor
const int tempPin1 = 4;  // Pre-test temperature sensor
const int tempPin2 = 5;  // Post-test temperature sensor
const int tdsPin1 = A8;  // Pre-test TDS sensor
const int tdsPin2 = A9;  // Post-test TDS sensor
const int turbidityPin1 = A10; // Pre-test turbidity sensor
const int turbidityPin2 = A11; // Post-test turbidity sensor

const int TRIGGER_PIN = 6;  // Ultrasonic sensor trigger
const int ECHO_PIN  = 7;  // Ultrasonic sensor echo
const int MAX_DISTANCE = 200; // Maximum distance in cm for a 21 cm tank

// Relay pin assignments
int relayValve = 8;  // Solenoid valve relay
int relayPump1 = 9; // Pump 1 relay
int relayPump2 = 10; // Pump 2 relay

// Variables for sensor readings
float pH1, pH2, ec1, ec2, temp1, temp2, tds1, tds2, turbidity1, turbidity2, distance;

// Calibration coefficients (these will be loaded from EEPROM)
float EC1_K, EC2_K;
float TDS1_value, TDS2_value; // Store TDS values directly from EEPROM

float volt;

const float tempCoefficient = 0.003; // Adjust if needed

// Setup for temperature sensors
OneWire oneWire1(tempPin1);
OneWire oneWire2(tempPin2);
DallasTemperature sensors1(&oneWire1);
DallasTemperature sensors2(&oneWire2);

// Initialize EC sensor objects
DFRobot_EC ec1_sensor, ec2_sensor;

// Initialize TDS sensor objects
GravityTDS tds1_sensor, tds2_sensor;

// Calibration values for pH sensor 2
float voltage_4_01 = 3.02;
float voltage_6_86 = 2.25;
float voltage_9_18 = 2.05;

//ph solutions
float pH_4_01 = 4.01;
float pH_6_86 = 6.86;
float pH_9_18 = 9.18;

// EC Variables
float voltage, ecValue, temperature = 25;

void setup() {

    // Initialize pin modes
    pinMode(ECHO_PIN, INPUT);
    pinMode(relayPump1, OUTPUT);  // Set pump 1 relay as OUTPUT
    pinMode(relayPump2, OUTPUT);  // Set pump 2 relay as OUTPUT
    pinMode(relayValve, OUTPUT);  // Set valve relay as OUTPUT
    digitalWrite(relayPump1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(relayPump2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(relayValve, LOW);

    // Initialize sensors

void loop() {

  long duration, inches, cm;
    digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, LOW);
    duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH);

    inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
    cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);

  if (inches <= 6.00) {
} else if (inches > 6.00){

    // Read temperatures for compensation
    temp1 = sensors1.getTempCByIndex(0);
    temp2 = sensors2.getTempCByIndex(0);

    // Set temperature for TDS sensors

    // Update TDS readings
    TDS1_value = tds1_sensor.getTdsValue();
    TDS2_value = tds2_sensor.getTdsValue();

    // Read sensors with temperature compensation
    pH1 = readCalibratedPH1(phPin1, temp1);
    pH2 = readCalibratedPH2(phPin2, temp2);
    ec1 = readCalibratedEC1(ecPin1, temp1);
    ec2 = readCalibratedEC2(ecPin2, temp2);
    turbidity1 = readCalibratedTurbidity1();
    turbidity2 = readCalibratedTurbidity2();
    // Print raw values to Serial
    Serial.print("pH1: "); Serial.println(pH1);
    Serial.print("pH2: "); Serial.println(pH2);
    Serial.print("EC1: "); Serial.println(ec1);
    Serial.print("EC2: "); Serial.println(ec2);
    Serial.print("Temp1: "); Serial.println(temp1);
    Serial.print("Temp2: "); Serial.println(temp2);
    Serial.print("TDS1: "); Serial.println(TDS1_value);
    Serial.print("TDS2: "); Serial.println(TDS2_value);
    Serial.print("Turbidity1: "); Serial.println(turbidity1);
    Serial.print("Turbidity2: "); Serial.println(turbidity2);
    Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.println(inches);

// Print raw values to Serial (sending to ESP8266)









    delay(1000); // 1-second delay

float readCalibratedPH1(int pin, float temp) {
  sensors1.requestTemperatures();     // Request temperature from DS18B20
  float temp1 = sensors1.getTempCByIndex(0);
 int sensorValue = analogRead(pin);
    double voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1024.0); // Analog-to-Digital Conversion

    // pH calculation logic for sensor 2
    float pH_step_4_to_6 = (voltage_6_86 - voltage_4_01) / (pH_6_86 - pH_4_01);
    float pH_step_6_to_9 = (voltage_9_18 - voltage_6_86) / (pH_9_18 - pH_6_86);

    float pH = 0.0;

    if (voltage > voltage_6_86) {
    // For voltages between pH 4.01 and pH 6.86
    pH = pH_4_01 + ((voltage - voltage_4_01) / pH_step_4_to_6);
  } else {
    // For voltages between pH 6.86 and pH 9.18
    pH = pH_6_86 + ((voltage - voltage_6_86) / pH_step_6_to_9);
    pH += tempCoefficient * (temp2 - 25.0);

    return pH;


float readCalibratedPH2(int pin, float temp) {
  sensors2.requestTemperatures();     // Request temperature from DS18B20
  float temp2 = sensors1.getTempCByIndex(0);
 int sensorValue = analogRead(pin);
    double voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1024.0); // Analog-to-Digital Conversion

    // pH calculation logic for sensor 2
    float pH_step_4_to_6 = (voltage_6_86 - voltage_4_01) / (pH_6_86 - pH_4_01);
    float pH_step_6_to_9 = (voltage_9_18 - voltage_6_86) / (pH_9_18 - pH_6_86);

    float pH = 0.0;

    if (voltage > voltage_6_86) {
    // For voltages between pH 4.01 and pH 6.86
    pH = pH_4_01 + ((voltage - voltage_4_01) / pH_step_4_to_6);
  } else {
    // For voltages between pH 6.86 and pH 9.18
    pH = pH_6_86 + ((voltage - voltage_6_86) / pH_step_6_to_9);
    pH += tempCoefficient * (temp2 - 25.0);

    return pH;


float readCalibratedEC1(int pin, float temp) {
    static unsigned long timepoint = millis(); // Store the current time

    // Check if 1 second has passed
    if (millis() - timepoint > 1000U) { 
        timepoint = millis();

        // Read temperature from DS18B20
        sensors1.requestTemperatures(); // Request temperature readings
        float temperature = sensors1.getTempCByIndex(0); // Get temperature in Celsius

        // Read EC sensor voltage
        voltage = analogRead(pin) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Convert ADC value to voltage (mV)

        // Convert voltage to EC with temperature compensation
        ecValue = ec1_sensor.readEC(voltage, temperature);
        // Calibration process if needed (remove if not applicable)
        // ec1_sensor.calibration(voltage, temperature);

    return ecValue; // Return the EC value

float readCalibratedEC2(int pin, float temp) {
    static unsigned long timepoint = millis(); // Store the current time

    // Check if 1 second has passed
    if (millis() - timepoint > 1000U) { 
        timepoint = millis();

        // Read temperature from DS18B20
        sensors2.requestTemperatures(); // Request temperature readings
        float temperature = sensors2.getTempCByIndex(0); // Get temperature in Celsius

        // Read EC sensor voltage
        voltage = analogRead(pin) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Convert ADC value to voltage (mV)

        // Convert voltage to EC with temperature compensation
        ecValue = ec2_sensor.readEC(voltage, temperature);
        // Calibration process if needed (remove if not applicable)
        // ec2_sensor.calibration(voltage, temperature);

    return ecValue; // Return the EC value

long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds){
  return (microseconds / 74) / 2;

long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds){
  return (microseconds / 29) / 2;
float readCalibratedTurbidity1() {
    return calculateTurbidity1(turbidityPin1);

float readCalibratedTurbidity2() {
    return calculateTurbidity2(turbidityPin2); // You can modify this if needed for different calibration

float calculateTurbidity1(int pin) {
    volt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++) {
        volt += ((float)analogRead(pin) / 1023) * 5.00;
    volt = volt / 800;
    volt = round_to_dp(volt, 2);
    if (volt < 2.5) {
        return 3000; // NTU value for low voltage
    } else {
        return -1120.4 * square(volt) + 5742.3 * volt - 4353.8; // NTU calculation

float round_to_dp(float in_value, int decimal_place) {
    float multiplier = powf(10.0f, decimal_place);
    in_value = roundf(in_value * multiplier) / multiplier;
    return in_value;
float calculateTurbidity2(int pin) {
    volt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++) {
        volt += ((float)analogRead(pin) / 1023) * 5.12;
    volt = volt / 800;
    volt = round_to_dp2(volt, 2);
    if (volt < 2.5) {
        return 3000; // NTU value for low voltage
    } else {
        return -1120.4 * square(volt) + 5742.3 * volt - 4353.8; // NTU calculation

float round_to_dp2(float in_value, int decimal_place) {
    float multiplier = powf(10.0f, decimal_place);
    in_value = roundf(in_value * multiplier) / multiplier;
    return in_value;

Esp8266 code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Define pins for SoftwareSerial (modify these if needed)
#define RX_PIN 14  // D5
#define TX_PIN 12  // D6

// Create a SoftwareSerial object
SoftwareSerial swSer(RX_PIN, TX_PIN);

#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "sample"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "auth"

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// WiFi credentials
char ssid[] = "user";
char pass[] = "pass";

void setup() {
  Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, ssid, pass);
  Serial.println("ESP8266 Software Serial is Connected");

void loop() {;

  if (swSer.available() > 0) {
    String receivedData = swSer.readStringUntil('\n');
    Serial.println("Received: " + receivedData);

    // Parse data (assuming the same format as before)
    int commaIndex = 0;
    float pH1, pH2, ec1, ec2, temp1, temp2, TDS1_value, TDS2_value, turbidity1, turbidity2, distance;

    pH1 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    pH2 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    ec1 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    ec2 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    temp1 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    temp2 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    TDS1_value = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    TDS2_value = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    turbidity1 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    turbidity2 = receivedData.substring(commaIndex, (commaIndex = receivedData.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1))).toFloat();
    distance = receivedData.substring(commaIndex).toFloat();

    // Send data to Blynk
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, pH1);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, pH2);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, ec1);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, ec2);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, temp1);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, temp2);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, TDS1_value);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, TDS2_value);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, turbidity1);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, turbidity2);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V10, distance);

You're topic does not indicate a problem with the IDE and therefore has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

Maybe the problem is in the code on the ESP8266. I have little knowledge of this.

Explain if you would how the ESP8266 knows where the value of pH1 ends and the value of pH2 begins, please.

1 Like

OOPS, I missed that :frowning:

I already update the code, including esp8266 sketch

You did not have to delete your post #5. It was sufficient to have the code there. But now leave it as it is.

Did you check post #3?

yes but still the problem remains the same, I tried to include "," between pH1 and pH2

make it simpler with only a Mega sketch using my WiFiEspAT library.