Arduino NANO 328p compatible board with built-in digital microphone

Is there an Arduino NANO 328p compatible board with built-in digital microphone? I know there is Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect board, but its different thing.

No, there is no such board.

There is no point having "a built-in microphone" on classic Nano, because Atmega328 haven't enough hardware and resources to process audio signal

Will the code written for Arduino Nano 328p work with Arduino Nano ESP32?

It depends on the code.

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The Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 has an on-board microphone.

yes, but it 3.3V, I'm looking for 5V.

Moreover, the Nano 33 is not a Atmega328 compatible

A Nano ESP32, a 3V board without a built-in mic, was 'wondered about' in Post No.3

Will this code work on Nano ESP32?

The code use a direct access of the Atmega mcu registers:

  sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS2);
  cbi(ADCSRA, ADPS1);
  sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS0);

so it can't be run on the different mcu architecture such as ESP32

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Why the "built-in" microphone is mandatory for you?
The project that you link in #9 contains a schematic using an external audio source

Yes, that's correct. I just believe that using an on-board microphone will minimize possible interference. Or this isn't so important in this case?

sorry, I don't know.
But it doesn't matter because the code require an AVR mcu

There is no also Nano Atmega328 version with audio-in 3,5mm socket?

The ATmega328 is not useful for audio, so you are very unlikely to find one with a microphone, audio jack, etc.

Nevertheless, it works, and looks prettily.