Arduino Nano 33 IOT WS2812B Flickering FastLED

I have been trying to set up a 1m WS2812B 144 LED strip to be controlled by an Arduino Nano IOT, I have attached images of my current circuit below.

I have the LED's successfully being controlled and running the FastLED ColourPalette example sketch, however I have an annoying flicker happening as the LEDS change colours shown in this video - - YouTube

I have been on this a few days and cant work it out, any help would be massively appreciated.

At this point with all the information you have given us I can only guess and that more than likely not be correct. It appears you are using a blocking statement in your code such as delay(); If you need help you might want to post the schematic and code.

A picture in electronics is not worth a thousand words but a schematic is.

The problems I can see is there is no decoupling on that chip and we have no idea what it is, wee need a part number.

You are using solderless bread board for the power connections and the track resistance is too much for this form of construction. You need the large capacitor directly on the strip’s input powe wires not way back like you appeared to have it.

Sorry for the lack of information I am fairly new to this still.

I was using a SN74AHCT125N as a level shifter as the 3.3v output of the nano is not enough based on what i have read. With or without that chip the same thing happens though.

I have attached a schematic for what my setup is looking like now, and have ditched the breadboard for the power connections but it is still happening?

Thanks for looking at this though, any further help is appreciated.

I was using a SN74AHCT125N as a level shifter as the 3.3v output of the nano is not enough based on what i have read.

But it is not on the diagram you just posted, irrespective of you thinking it makes a difference it needs to be fitted.

The capacitor needs to be directly on the strip's power supply, not some distance away.
It helps if you connect the power and ground to both ends of the strip. Irrespective of