Arduino Nano as .wav player (or any sound file...)

Greetings and salutations all. It's been a while since my last arduino project, and this time I thought I would go for something a little less complicated. Still, I seem to have hit a snag, and I hope someone can help me out.

I am simpy trying to make my very own HAL9000, and I have started with the electronics using an Arduino Nano, a memory card module a LED and a 3ohm speaker just to get things going.

The plan is to incorporate motion sensor or proximity sensor to have sounds play when people are near... or simply just add a button ;).

Anyways, I am currently using the TMRPCM library, and I do get sound out of my speaker. However, there is a crackle I can hear all the time when the sound is playing and it is really bugging me. I have converted the audio-files to 8 bit, 16kHz sample rate and mono. I do get sound, but there is also noise/crackle.

I even updated pcmConfig.h with #define buffSize 256 to see if that helped, as I found that someone had bypassed the crackle on an Arduino Uno with that setting...

Still, I have the same crackle.

Any ideas as to what I can do? Bear in mind, I haven't added an amplifier circuit as I was under the impression the Nano could drive a 3ohm speaker with no problems.

Any help is most welcome.

as I was under the impression the Nano could drive a 3ohm speaker with no problems.

This impression is wrong, it can not.

Between the output pin and the input of the amplifier put a 1K5 resistor. And between the input of the amplifier and ground put a 10nF capacitor. This is called a reconstruction filter and you need it to stop upsetting most amplifiers. Don't forget to connect the Arduino ground and the amplifier ground together.

Hehe, then it is best to change the impression this end ;). So an amplifier of some sorts? Can I have damaged the port I use?

Can I have damaged the port I use?

Yes, maximum pin current before damage = 40mA

5V into 3R = 5/3 = 1.6 Amps or 1600mA