Arduino Nano + Flow Sensor = ml stop system!


I need help to create a "ml stop" with sec timer...

the user can set ml values e.g 30 ml, or 60 ml.. then when push the button stars a timer 0,1,2,3...25 sec
when the water ml = 60 (e.g) stop the system!

any help please?

What's the purpose of the timer?

It's unclear what you want to achieve.

Espressuino - Test final version v3.0: Espressuino - Test final version v3.0 - YouTube

Something like this. .

Then the timer is mere decoration, not required to steer anything.

What's your problem?

I need the timer for coffee shot! A good espresso need 25 Sec = 30 ml or 60 ml shot. I read this project :

now how to add sec timer in this project and show lcd values;