arduino nano + google assistant

Hi everyone .

i have a project with arduino nano + esp8266 + app invetor 2, i turn on/off the ligths of my room, and works fine.

when i turn on a ligth i send a character ascii from app inventor to the esp8266 and the esp8266 to the arduino nano in my local network.

, for example: for turn on a ligth i send PA, for turn off a ligth i send PB. i send it this way, https://192168.0.20/PA for turn on or https://192168.0.20/PB for turn off, the ip is the address of the esp8266.

the question is, can i do the same with google assistant + IFTTT?, when i say, turn on or turn off the ligths, that IFTTT send to the esp8266 for turn on and for turn off the ligths

best regards to all