Hey guys!
Recent bought an Arduino Uno.
I tried uploading this project ---> http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BlinkingLED ,, but when I connect it, there's not signal coming out from my digital pin 13.
I've tried every other digital pin, no blinking LED what-so-ever. What's weird about my board is that the RX led never blinks (not even when I upload a sketch), but the TX led blinks constantly (along with the L LED).
Now, I think I might have damaged the chip - when I first put my 328 into the UNO, I placed the wrong way (e.g. pin 1 in pin 15's place) and flashed a few programs - do you think this might have damaged the chip? Do I need a new Arduino now?
I tried using the http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogReadSerial - AnalogReadSerial function to read some timings of my 555 circuit. That worked fine, the serial monitor responded as expected.
I am on Windows 7, using a USB cable to connect. I just wanted to show you guys this picture, just to verify my connection --> http://i.imgur.com/5AuSz.png
When I press "UPLOAD" the program says "Done Uploading" and "Binary sketch size: 2.542 bytes (of a 32.256 byte maximum)" (for the analog reader). The board reacts the same way, as if you pressed the RESET button ("L" LED blinks wildly).
I'm suspecting it might be the bootloader or possibly chip damage. Thank you for reading !