I have the Arduino Pro Mini and the ESP-01 connected to USB 5V. I am using LM1117 to regulate 5V to 3.3V for the ESP-01.
I have the Arduino sending AT commands to the ESP-01 to configure the ESP-01 in setup( ).
Some times it works and some times it doesn't.
Same code.
I have noticed that when it doesn't work, I have to physically disconnect then reconnect VCC from the ESP-01 and then push the Reset button on the Arduino.
Not sure what is going on. I am setting up the ESP-01 as an access point.
void setup()
//open serial communication to PC
delay(2000); //allow ESP-01 time to boot up
//open serial communication to ESP-01 module using SoftwareSerial library
char cwsapCommand[] = "AT+CWSAP_CUR=\"LED_display\",,1,0"; //command to change SSID
//set up ESP-01 module
//send AT commands to ESP-01 to configure it
//responses are echoed to Serial Monitor
if (sendToESP01("AT", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true)
if (sendToESP01("AT+GMR", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // get ESP-01 firmware version
if (sendToESP01("AT+CWMODE_CUR=2", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // configure as access point
if (sendToESP01("AT+CIFSR", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // display ESP-01's IP address and MAC address
if (sendToESP01("AT+CIPMUX=1", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // configure for multiple connections
if (sendToESP01("AT+CIPSERVER=0", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // turn off server
if (sendToESP01("AT+CIPSERVER=1,8080", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // turn on server on port 8080
if (sendToESP01("AT+CWDHCP_CUR=0,1", responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // enable DHCP
if (sendToESP01(cwsapCommand, responseTIME, DEBUG) == true) // change SSID
commGood = true;