#include <EEPROM.h> // Needed to write to EEPROM storage
#define powerPin 10
#define failPin 11
#define passPin 12
#define doorPin 13
boolean programMode = false;
boolean match = false;
byte storedCard[6]; // Stores an ID read from EEPROM
byte readCard[6]; // Stores an ID read from the RFID reader
byte checksum = 0; // Stores the checksum to verify the ID
void setup()
// for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) // Uncoment to wipe the EEPROM
// EEPROM.write(i, 0);
pinMode(powerPin, OUTPUT); // Connected to Blue on tri-color LED to indicate reader is ready
pinMode(passPin, OUTPUT); // Connected to Green on tri-color LED to indicate user is valid
pinMode(failPin, OUTPUT); // Connected to Green on tri-color LED to indicate user is NOT valid or read failed
pinMode(doorPin, OUTPUT); // Connected to relay to activate the door lock
Serial.begin(2400); // Connect to the serial port
void loop ()
byte val = 0; // Temp variable to hold the current byte
normalModeOn(); // Normal mode, blue Power LED is on, all others are off
if ( programMode) // Program mode to add a new ID card
programModeOn(); // Program Mode cycles through RGB waiting to read a new card
if(Serial.available() > 0) // Waits for something to come on the serial line
if((val = Serial.read()) == 10) // First Byte should be 2, STX byte
getID(); // Get the ID, sets readCard = to the read ID
if ( !isMaster(readCard) ) // Check to see if it is the master programing card
writeID(readCard); // If not, write the card to the EEPROM storage
programMode = false; // Turn off programing mode
checksum = 0; // Make sure the checksum is empty
// Normal Operation...
if(Serial.available() > 0) // If the serial port is available and sending data...
if((val = Serial.read()) == 10) // First Byte should be 2, STX byte
getID(); // Get the ID, sets readCard = to the read ID
byte bytesread = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) // Loop 5 times
if ( readCard < 16 ) // Print out 0 if < 16 to prepend output
_ Serial.print(readCard*, HEX); // Print out the hex value read in*_
* Serial.print(" ");*
* }*
* Serial.println();*
* Serial.print("Checksum: ");*
* Serial.print(readCard[5], HEX); // Checksum read from the card*
* if ( readCard[5] == checksum ) // See if the 5th BYTE (the checksum) read in from the reader*
* { // matches the checksum caculated*
* checksum = 0; // If so, we can empty the variable storing the calculated checksum*
* //Serial.println(" passed"); *
* //Serial.println();*
* if ( isMaster( readCard ) ) // Check to see if the card is the master programing card*
* {*
* programMode = true; // If so, enable programing mode*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* if ( findID(readCard) ) // If not, see if the card is in the EEPROM*
* {*
* openDoor(5); // If it is, open the door lock*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* failed(); // If not, show that the ID was not valid*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* else // If the checksum failed*
* { // Print out the checksum*
_ /_
_ Serial.println(" error");_
_ Serial.println();_
_ Serial.print("[");_
_ Serial.print(readCard[5], HEX);_
_ Serial.print("] != [");_
_ Serial.print(checksum, HEX);_
_ Serial.print("] ");_
_ /_
_ }_
* }*
* }*
* }*
// If the serial port is ready and we received the STX BYTE (2) then this function is called
// to get the 4 BYTE ID + 1 BYTE checksum. The ID+checksum is stored in readCard[6]
// Bytes 0-4 are the 5 ID bytes, byte 5 is the checksum
void getID()
* byte bytesread = 0;*
* byte i = 0;*
* byte val = 0;*
* byte tempbyte = 0;*
* // 5 HEX Byte code is actually 10 ASCII Bytes.*
* while ( bytesread < 12 ) // Read 10 digit code + 2 digit checksum*
* { *
* if( Serial.available() > 0) // Check to make sure data is coming on the serial line*
* {*
* val = Serial.read(); // Store the current ASCII byte in val*
* if((val == 0x0D)||(val == 0x0A)||(val == 0x03)||(val == 0x02))*
* { // If header or stop bytes before the 10 digit reading*
* break; // Stop reading *
* }*
* if ( (val >= '0' ) && ( val <= '9' ) ) // Do Ascii/Hex conversion*
* {*
* val = val - '0';*
* }*
* else if ( ( val >= 'A' ) && ( val <= 'F' ) )*
* {*
* val = 10 + val - 'A';*
* }*
* if ( bytesread & 1 == 1 ) // Every two ASCII charactors = 1 BYTE in HEX format*
* {*
* // Make some space for this hex-digit by*
* // shifting the previous hex-digit with 4 bits to the left:*
* readCard[bytesread >> 1] = (val | (tempbyte << 4));*
* if ( bytesread >> 1 != 5 ) // If we're at the checksum byte,*
* {*
* checksum ^= readCard[bytesread >> 1]; // Calculate the checksum using XOR*
* };*
* }*
* else // If it is the first HEX charactor*
* {*
* tempbyte = val; // Store the HEX in a temp variable*
* };*
* bytesread++; // Increment the counter to keep track*
* }*
* }*
* bytesread = 0;*
// Read an ID from EEPROM and save it to the storedCard[6] array
void readID( int number ) // Number = position in EEPROM to get the 5 Bytes from
_ int start = (number * 5 ) - 4; // Figure out starting position_
* //Serial.print("Start: ");*
* //Serial.print(start);*
* //Serial.print("\n\n");*
* for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) // Loop 5 times to get the 5 Bytes*
* {*
_ storedCard = EEPROM.read(start+i); // Assign values read from EEPROM to array
Serial.print("Read [");
Serial.print("] [");
Serial.print(storedCard, HEX);
Serial.print("] \n");
// Write an array to the EEPROM in the next available slot
void writeID( byte a[] )
* if ( !findID( a ) ) // Before we write to the EEPROM, check to see if we have seen this card before!
int num = EEPROM.read(0); // Get the number of used spaces, position 0 stores the number of ID cards*
Serial.print("Num: ");
Serial.print(" \n");*
int start = ( num * 5 ) + 1; // Figure out where the next slot starts_
* num++; // Increment the counter by one*
* EEPROM.write( 0, num ); // Write the new count to the counter*
* for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) // Loop 5 times*
* {*
* EEPROM.write( start+j, a[j] ); // Write the array values to EEPROM in the right position*
_ /
Serial.print("] Value [");
Serial.print(a[j], HEX);
Serial.print("] \n");
* successWrite();
* {
// Check two arrays of bytes to see if they are exact matches*
boolean checkTwo ( byte a[], byte b[] )
* if ( a[0] != NULL ) // Make sure there is something in the array first*
* match = true; // Assume they match at first*_
* for ( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ ) // Loop 5 times*
* {*
_ /
Serial.print(k); Serial.print("] ReadCard [");
Serial.print(a[k], HEX);
Serial.print("] StoredCard [");
Serial.print(b[k], HEX);
Serial.print("] \n");
if ( a[k] != b[k] ) // IF a != b then set match = false, one fails, all fail
* match = false;
if ( match ) // Check to see if if match is still true*
* {
//Serial.print("Strings Match! \n");
return true; // Return true*
* }
else {
//Serial.print("Strings do not match \n");
return false; // Return false*
* }
// Looks in the EEPROM to try to match any of the EEPROM ID's with the passed ID*
boolean findID( byte find[] )
* int count = EEPROM.read(0); // Read the first Byte of EEPROM that*
// Serial.print("Count: "); // stores the number of ID's in EEPROM
// Serial.print(count);
* //Serial.print("\n");
for ( int i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) // Loop once for each EEPROM entry*
* {
readID(i); // Read an ID from EEPROM, it is stored in storedCard[6]
if( checkTwo( find, storedCard ) ) *_