Arduino Quadrature decoder module

Hello all,
I am using Robogaia Quadrature decoder module to read the speed of my encoder to reduce the load on my arduino board. The link of the module is given below:

Can someone please tell me how should I connect the pins of the module to my arduino and In what form it gives me the output. And which pin is the putput pin?

Could You extract the link to the datasheet and/or owners manual?

yes, I can. I saw the data sheet and wiring diagram, but not getting the idea what type of output the module generates, which I have to convert into speed.

Start by carefully going through the information on the product page, and running the example in the provided encoder library.

A "shield" is simply plugged into the standard Arduino Uno board.

This is a shield, and it was made to fit over the Arduino UNO/Mega.

Look if this help.

Ref: 3 Axis Encoder Conter Arduino Shield -

Do You think no helper will manage either?

Which encoders are you using?

My background is not in electronics domain. Could you please tell me how can I read the speed of motor using this module, in simple words and connection?
Thank you

My background is not in electronics domain. Could you please tell me how can I read the speed of motor using this module, in simple words and connection?
Thank you very much

ROTARY ENCODER with 1000ppr

Measure the time between encoder pulses, or count the number of encoder pulses in a given time. Convert that to RPM.

Convert to forward speed using the measured value, the encoder PPR parameter, and wheel circumference.

See for example How to Build a Robot Tutorials - Society of Robots

I am asking about the output of the module I am using. Please let me know the was to read the speed, Not the unit conversions please :slight_smile:

What is the exact part numbers of the encoders?

optical rotary encoder
3806 OPTI 1000-AB OC


black...............GND 2 3
shield.............GND (only if noise interference)
yellow, brown, gray, orange: insulate with tape (separately NOT all together).

Did you try the program here?

Here's the datasheet:

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