Arduino uno 3d printer is it possible???

Hi everyone I'm new here. I always wanted to make a 3d printer I can't afford buying one so thought of making one I don't know anything about it but I have experience on making a CNC doubt is that can I make a 3d printed using arduino uno nothing special a simple one .I searched google a got nothing .I get to know that teacup firmware is going to work on arduino uno but don't know which stepper motors to use and drivers.I have cheap 5v stepper motors .can I use that.sorry if this question are stupid I'm just a student and a begginer.
Thankz guys.

I think an Arduino would be a bottleneck more than anything. A Pi might be more appropriate.

A Duet (arduino Due compatible board) for 3d printing:

I don't know anything about 3D printer firmware but I think I'd spend a little more to get the Mega 2560 so I could use Marlin. I suppose there's something to be said for pulling off the project using the bare minimum hardware.

Thanks guys for this quick replies.
In already have a arduino uno with me and don't have enough money to buy both mega and 3d printer parts that's y I asked if arduino uno is enough.
I could buy mega but then I will be short on for buying hot end extruder etc.
Has anyone made 3d printer using arduino uno.???. Or is it not possible

You may be able to get it working with an Uno but a Mega has more I/O pins and more memory. You can also get a RepRap shield for a Mega that has sockets for A4988 stepper drivers, Mosfets for controlling the heaters and connections for limit switches. (It may also work with DRV8825 drivers, but you would need to check).

The circuit board on my Anet A2 3D printer uses an Atmega 1284, which is not as powerful as the 2560 in the Mega.

You can get a Mega clone for about £15.


Yes you can do it all on a Uno but you will have to add a port expander or two to get the number of I/O pins you need for all the stuff.
If you have made a CNC machine then a 3D printer is very similar.

See my CNC project here Proxxon MF70 Miller CNC CONVERSION

I have made a CNC using uln 2003 driver and 5v stepper motors .can control 3d printer using grbl

The 3D printer I made used Gcode. Are you expecting the Arduino to translate grbl into machine movements? I don’t think most do.

The 3D printer I made used Gcode. Are you expecting the Arduino to translate grbl into machine movements? I don’t think most do.

Doesn't GRBL work from GCode?


The UNO does not have enough output pins to run a typical 3D printer which has a heated bed. If you want a really basic printer that has very limited capability, the Uno will just barely do it.

Buying the parts individually is always more expensive than buying a kit. Even if you already have one of the parts. Buy a kit.

Thanks all for the help.I not stopping here even if I'm a begginer I will try if I wanted to buy I would have bought that but I can't I just wanted a 3d printer a simple one so I'm going to make one using the things that are available. Even if I fail I will learn something new.
Thanks everyone for ur help

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So here's the story:

I always wanted to make a 3d printer I can't afford buying one so thought of making one

Buying the parts individually is always more expensive than buying a kit.

if I wanted to buy I would have bought that but I can't

-You can't afford buying one
-Making one is going to be more expensive
-Somehow you can afford to make one


Intp is correct. You can get a shitty kit from AliExpress for $170. I’d do that to see if you even like the challenges associated with operating one.


Bare in mind, this is a crappy kit, but it should last about 6 months and in the mean time you’ll learn a lot... enough to know if this is something you want to invest in.

I’d stick to Cartesian for a nub.

I all ready have arduino uno,drivers,motor,I just want to buy the hotend and extruder.
And built a cheap from out of old printer.
I will try to make one if it doesn't work out I will make some money somehow and buy the cheapest kit available.

I don't see anything wrong with making your own printer. However the part that needs precision is the frame and you don't seem to have that. The frame has to be able to deliver the print head to a point in space with an accuracy of +/- 0.1mm or better.
