Arduino UNO R4 WiFi protection problem

Good morning, I have created a project in which there is a need to send data to a database resident on an altervista server. Everything ok, I set up the WiFi connection and it works. I tried with my Vodafone WiFi at home and it works, in other places with other WiFi it works, in the place where I have to install it there is no way to make it send the data. It connects to WiFi but does not send data. They have a WiFi with modem with Vodafone SIM, so I also tried using an old Vodafone R216-Z WiFi modem and a data SIM and it doesn't work with this either. I believe that the problem could be the type of protection set, in all the wifis where it works there is WPA2, in the R216-Z modem there is WPA2-PSK with TKIP encoding. I am not a network expert, so I would like to understand if it is possible to make Arduino recognize this type of protection. Thanks to anyone who wants to give me advice

are you sure you are connected ?


if you are connected and get an IP address on the local network then it's probably not an issue with WPA2