ArduinoJson serialize floats and reduce number of decimal places

Hello together...

In the following sketch i am reading two 4- 20 mA industrial sensor. One for range, one for force.
I want to send the values over wifi to a App with a Json file using the AduinoJson Library. The problem that i have is, how i can write to the Json the floating values only with 1 or 2 decimal places. Right now it writes until 9 decimal points.
I tried as follow to reduce the decimal points but it does not work.

  range = (int)(unroude_range * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

  force = (int)(unroude_force * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

Follows the complete funktion where i am reading the sensors writing and sending the Json.
Thanks in advance for some help.

void Read_Scale() {

  String jsonString = "";

  StaticJsonDocument<1000> doc;
  static int scale_counter = 0;

  if (millis() - scale_previousMillis >= scale_interval) {  // read analog value every 500ms

    scale_previousMillis = millis(); // reset the timer

    rawADCValue_range = 0;
    rawADCValue_force = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ) {
      if (millis() - range_t  >= 1) {
        rawADCValue_range += analogRead(ADC_Range_Pin);
        rawADCValue_force += analogRead(ADC_Force_Pin);
        range_t = millis();

    ADCVoltage_range = (float)(rawADCValue_range / 100.0) * (3.3 / 4095.0);
    Current_range = mapfloat(ADCVoltage_range, 0.8, 3.3, 4, 20);
    unroude_range = mapfloat(Current_range, 4, 20, 0, 50);
    range = (int)(unroude_range * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

    ADCVoltage_force = (float)(rawADCValue_force / 100.0) * (3.3 / 4095.0);
    Current_force = mapfloat(ADCVoltage_force, 0.8, 3.3, 4, 20);
    unroude_force = mapfloat(Current_force, 4, 20, 0, 20);
    force = (int)(unroude_force * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

    buffer_range[scale_counter] = range ; // store the range value in the buffer
    buffer_force[scale_counter] = force ; // store the force value in the buffer

    scale_counter ++;

    doc["count_json"] = daten.zyklus;
    JsonArray rangeValues = doc.createNestedArray("Range");
    JsonArray forceValues = doc.createNestedArray("Force");

    if (scale_counter >= NUM_SAMPLES)
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++){

      scale_counter = 0;

      serializeJson(doc, jsonString);


Check this tips from the author of library:

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@cotestatnt thanks for the reply.

I saw this tip from the author. So. I tried

 range = (int)(unroude_range * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

 force = (int)(unroude_force * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

but the serializeJson continues having 9 digits instead of 2

I've done a quick test with a small example and it works as stated from the author of library.

1 Like

I will take a look on your example and review my code.

OK.... Ramdomly i realized something.

If i transfer my code to the esp32 using the Arduino IDE, on the Serial Monitor and on my App i see the Json arriving with 2 decimal points.
But if i transfer the code using Visual Studio Code with Platform IO i see the Json with 9 decimal points.

Your example @cotestatnt, i tested also and in both situations using Arduino or Platform IO the values inside the Json are displayed correctly.

I do not undestand , why my code using different IDE´s the result is different?!?!?!?!
Follows my code that i used to test the result showed in the pictures that i posted.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

#define ADC_Range_Pin  35  // Pin Range Sensor
#define ADC_Force_Pin  34  // Pin Force Sensor

unsigned long scale_previousMillis = 0;
const long scale_interval = 100; // Interval 
const byte NUM_SAMPLES = 20;
float buffer_range [NUM_SAMPLES];
float buffer_force [NUM_SAMPLES];

// Range Sensor Instanzen-----------------------------
float Current_range = 0; //4-20 mA
float rawADCValue_range = 0;
float ADCVoltage_range = 0; //0-3,3 V
float unroude_range = 0; //0-50mm
float range = 0; //0-50mm
unsigned long range_t;

// Force Sensor Instanzen-----------------------------
float Current_force = 0; //4-20 mA
float rawADCValue_force = 0; //0-4095
float ADCVoltage_force = 0; //0-3,3 V
float unroude_force = 0; //0-20 Newton
float force = 0; //0-20 Newton
unsigned long force_t;

float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {
  return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

void Read_Scale() {
  StaticJsonDocument<1000> doc;
  static int scale_counter = 0;

  if (millis() - scale_previousMillis >= scale_interval) {  // read analog value every 500ms

    scale_previousMillis = millis(); // reset the timer

    rawADCValue_range = 0;
    rawADCValue_force = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ) {
      if (millis() - range_t  >= 1) {
        rawADCValue_range += analogRead(ADC_Range_Pin);
        rawADCValue_force += analogRead(ADC_Force_Pin);
        range_t = millis();

    ADCVoltage_range = (float)(rawADCValue_range / 100.0) * (3.3 / 4095.0);
    Current_range = mapfloat(ADCVoltage_range, 0.8, 3.3, 4, 20);
    unroude_range = mapfloat(Current_range, 4, 20, 0, 50);
    range = (int)(unroude_range * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;

    ADCVoltage_force = (float)(rawADCValue_force / 100.0) * (3.3 / 4095.0);
    Current_force = mapfloat(ADCVoltage_force, 0.8, 3.3, 4, 20);
    unroude_force = mapfloat(Current_force, 4, 20, 0, 20);
    force = (int)(unroude_force * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;
    buffer_range[scale_counter] = range ; // store the range value in the buffer
    buffer_force[scale_counter] = force ; // store the force value in the buffer

    scale_counter ++;
    JsonArray rangeValues = doc.createNestedArray("Range");
    JsonArray forceValues = doc.createNestedArray("Force");
    if (scale_counter >= NUM_SAMPLES)
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++)
      serializeJson(doc, Serial);
      scale_counter = 0;

void setup() {

void loop() {

@cotestatnt... Ones more again. Thanks for your help.
I defined the rounding function round_range(). I round the numbers that I am putting into the array within the JSON document and it is working.

double round_range(double value) {
  return (int)(value * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0;


why don't you use:

char char_array[10];
payload["value"] = char_array;

this way you can do proper formatting for every payload - not limited to one function
btw the above function: does it work properly for negative values (rounding)?

I have to try out your approach.
Yes it is working properly at me for negative values

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The printf functions are relatively resource expensive on AVR based boards. On those boards, the printf functions don't support floating point.

I'm not sure which board te OP is using.

I am using a ESP32 NodeMCU board. ESP32 NodeMCU Module WLAN WiFi Dev Kit C Development Board mit CP2102 – AZ-Delivery

@sterretje @zyghom , i have a issued in my code that i do not know how to manage.

The project consist of ,

  1. Pneumatic cylinder.
  2. 4- 20 mA Position transmitter attached to the cylinder to control the rage.
  3. 250Kg Loadcell to measure the force connected to a Load Cell Amplifier - HX711. METTLER TOLEDO load cell for suspended tank and hopper weighing
  4. ESP32 NodeMCU as controller.

What i want to do is to compress with the cylinder a steel spring. With the position transmitter i catch the values of the " Range".
The spring is mounted between the cylinder and the Loadcell.
With the Loadcell i catch the values of the "Force", when the cylinder compress the spring.

All this is working and i get the values.
The problem that i have is how i can shorten the values between sample readings.

Follows the code .

For reading the Position transmitter

void Read_Range_Sensor()
  rawADCValue_range = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 6;)
    if (millis() - range_t >= 0.1)
      rawADCValue_range += analogRead(ADC_Range_Pin);
      range_t = millis();

  ADCVoltage_range = (float)(rawADCValue_range / 6.0) * (3.3 / 4095.0);
  Current_range = mapfloat(ADCVoltage_range, 0.8, 3.3, 4, 20);
  range_reading = mapfloat(Current_range, 4, 20, 0, 50);

  round_range = int(range_reading + 0.5);
  cil_back = ((round_range >= daten.VarData[3]) || (round_range >= daten.VarData[3] - 2)) && (round_range <= daten.VarData[3] + 2);
  cil_front = (round_range >= daten.VarData[4] - 2) && (round_range <= daten.VarData[4] + 2);

For reading the Loadcell

void Read_Loadcell_Sensor()
  force_reading = scale.get_units(), 1;

void WebSocket_Send_Array()
    // Buffer Sensor Reading Instanzen--------------------
    unsigned long scale_previousMillis = 0;
    const long scale_interval = 0.1; // Interval
    const byte NUM_SAMPLES = 16; // Number of Reading
    float buffer_range[NUM_SAMPLES];
    float buffer_force[NUM_SAMPLES];

    String jsonString = "";
    StaticJsonDocument<2048> doc;
    static int scale_counter = 0;

    if (millis() - scale_previousMillis >= scale_interval)
    { // read analog value every 500ms

      scale_previousMillis = millis(); // reset the timer

      buffer_range[scale_counter] = range_reading; // store the range value in the buffer
      buffer_force[scale_counter] = force_reading * NEWTON_CONSTANT, 1; // store the range value in the buffer


      doc["count_array"] = daten.zyklus;
      JsonArray rangeValues = doc.createNestedArray("range_array");
      JsonArray forceValues = doc.createNestedArray("force_array");

      if (scale_counter >= NUM_SAMPLES)
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++)
        //serializeJson(doc, Serial);
        scale_counter = 0;
        serializeJson(doc, jsonString);
        wifi_send_ready = 1;

with this i get values like as follow.


But i would like to shorten the catched values.
For example the values in the range_array.
Index 0 and 1 are far away from each other.

Index 0: 41.8
Index 1: 33.1
Index 2: 28.2

I would need that the catche the values and be more close to each other: For example.

Index 0: 41.8
Index 1: 40.8
Index 2: 39.8

It does not matter if i change the _interval or the number of readings. I get always values far from each other.

    const long scale_interval = 0.1; // Interval
    const byte NUM_SAMPLES = 16; // Number of Reading

I guess that that means that you want to do more readings.

I have no experience with any of your components; nor with websockets. The only advice would be to add timing statements in a number of parts of the code to see where the bottle neck is.

  uint32_t startTime = micros();
  for (int i = 0; i < 6;)
    if (millis() - range_t >= 0.1)
      rawADCValue_range += analogRead(ADC_Range_Pin);
      range_t = millis();
  uint32_t duration = millis() - startTime;
  Serial.print("Measurement duration = ");


  uint32_t startTime = micros();
  uint32_t duration = millis() - startTime;
  Serial.print("websocket duration = ");

Use serial monitor to check durations.

I don't know what rang_t is. But it feels strange that you use a floating point (0.1) as millis() will never be more accurate than an integer.

That's all that I can advise.

There might be other parts in your code that slow it down. As you did not post all your code, we will never know.

@sterretje thanks for your reply.
I will follow your advice .

if (millis() - range_t >= 0.1)

I don't know what rang_t is. But it feels strange that you use a floating point (0.1) as millis() will never be more accurate than an integer.

Yes you are right.... It was me trying to make it a little bit faster.....:slight_smile:
The same is here also

 const long scale_interval = 0.1; // Interval

i will put it as a Integer.

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